Thank you @Underthestairs @CaliRob @Myfriendis410 @Twelve1 @Borderryan22! I appreciate you all stopping by and for the kind words Much love to you all
Hey @TT haven’t seen you around for a while… hope all is ok!
Got a free plant at HD yesterday - it was sitting in a basket with a few other plants in the returns! Removed as much of the dirt I could and replanted in a bonsai mix, palm/cactus mix and some local decomposed granite, cleaned all the dead leaves and ends off and topped with tiny river pebbles.
Before and after. Ponytail Palm
Sweet grab on the awesome palm! It looks at home now.
So, I did a LOT more defoliation yesterday on African Buzz and Critical Cali Mist. I tried to rig up a scrog net but wasn’t able to get into the corners of the enclosure. I was only able to hook up some yo-yo’s to try and keep them directly off of the screen and so I could get in between the two plants… they were monsters! Once I tied up some of the branches, it showed me that I needed to make some air flow in the canopy.
Today I do the same thing to the 2 GF’s
I like it when you’re busy working.
It was a lot of work!
This really puts things in perspective, absolutely beautiful @Caligurl
Finished the defol on he two GF’s
The elder deer that we named “Grandpa” was hanging around closely to Flint this whole week… along with Grandpa’s ‘keeper’. We really do believe that the younger ‘keeper’ has been assigned to Grandpa to help keep him safe as he doesn’t move around well any more. The ‘Keeper’ was just out of camera to the right of the water barrel.
The later it gets in the season the more I envy your enclosure.
The plants look amazing. I hope I have a keeper one day. I could have used one in my 20’s…30’s…or 40’s.
Everyone who enters through this link gives me some more entries! Thanks ILGMOfficial on IG
Not much news on the grow front. I found a few more thrips during an inspection but it was very minor out of all the leaves I scoped, I only found 4 leaves with one single thrip on each and they were very young ones so I’m wondering if the lizards and frogs are catching the bigger ones…
Here’s a few bud pics (in order African Buzz, Critical Cali Mist, GF #1, and GF#2
Still fighting the heat here but it’s supposed to be low 90’s today and tomorrow then into high 80’s…
Gave them all a good soaking with aloe water and a bit of labs. They’ll get sprayed tomorrow for the thrips.
My Cultivator Assistant looking quite seriously at me.
And here’s hubby on the orchard ladder… give a nice perspective of the plant’s size.
Looking awesome as always Cali! Man… those GF’s skip the pistils and stigmas and go straight to buds.
Referring back to your title: so how many plants currently are you growing?! lol
It’s illegal to ask her that and she’ll probably plead the fifth
Incredible!!! Those TREES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! That’s gonna be a lot of bud for you to harvest
And yeah, hubby got some nice legs!!!
Thank you @kaptain3d… and yes, he a fabulous set of legs!!
I know! Those GF’s are going t be too heavy for her branches… I need more plant yo-yo’s
I know, I know… I really thought I could pull off just 2 this year