Hello guys, I’m new on this forum and generally in growing so got a couple of questions.
I got Titan f1 auto which is in week 4 flowering so it’s near the end, in meanwhile i start a new batch in the same tent with same conditions, which means that my Mars Hydro sf-e 3000 is at 100%, RH at 45-60% and temp 83F. Titan f1 is raised above ground (20") to be closer to the light (currently 14") and to make a distance from the little girls which is now 5 days old. So my question is that fine?
Welcome to the Canna-Fam Growmie this is the best place on Earth to find information from awesome people about cannabis.
Download the photon app and you are looking for these numbers.
Seedlings 100-300 ppfd
Veg-300-600 ppfd
Flower 600-1100ppfd
Seedlings need high humidity(65%-80%)
because they get their water through the leaves while their roots are developing the soil needs to be damp and not wet. If you’re not already I recommend running 18/6 light cycle while in seedling and veg stages. You can use the @ symbol in front of their screen name ( example @littleCactus ) if you want to tag them in your grow or you would like to ask them a question or get their attention. Also it’s a great idea to start reading through people’s journals and find out who has a style you like and maybe they can help you out. I’ll tag you in mine Growmie
Tnx for the response, so in general is better to have another tent/environment for the seedlings? Light cycle is 18/6 already, and will try Photon app and check values
welcome aboard @littleCactus. Yes it is generally better to have a seperate area for your seedlings. The light and environmental needs are quite different for a flowering plant compared to seedlings. Since your running with autos it’s a little more doable, but for best results it would still be a better idea to set up a separate space. Quick warning with the photeone app. I have just started testing the photone app with my new seedlings and it isn’t the most accurate with my lights. It can be a useful tool but the readings you get are just ballpark readings. I got a little light burn when I took the photone readings as gospel.
Like the others have said, definetly better with 2 tents. But i ran and still occasionally end up running seedlings with flowering plants in the same tent when my timing is off. Domes on seedlings help keep humidity higher in a more dry tent enviroment, and can give some shade to bring down your dli, photone app can be useful to strategically place seedlings closer to bigger plants in the tent that give some shade as well
Welcome! I grow all stages in 1 tent a lot. Vegging photo. Flowering auto. Seedlings. Placing seedlings at edge of light coverage. Photo and auto full sun. Light power on the auto adjusted with risers. At flip of photo the auto just soldier on to finish. I also have a large propagator that i put clones and seedlings in in the tent. In nature you find babies and adults all around each other. Works in a controlled environment also.
I absolutely agree with @NorseRow and @Storm that it can be done, but it may not the most fool proof or easiest method for a new grower. That being said you already have them and I certainly wouldn’t just throw them out because you don’t have a second tent. Looks like you could lift the seedlings up an inch or two. they are looking a little leggy. Domes would help quit a bit too, especially at those temps. Just remember that you will need to let fresh air in or they will suffocate. The bigger they get the more fresh air they need. Did you mean you have an FC-E 3000 for lighting?
Currently Seedlings are 50" from the light, will try to get it a little closer to the light
@Gl1tch, yes for the lighting MH FC-E 3000
I would try moving your plants up 2-3 inches. That would be my best safe guess based on the readings I got off my FC-E 3000
Tnx, @Gl1tch, some adjustments were made, so I’ve made some domes for the seedlings and adjusted the light as well. Looking good for now
Any time. Might I also say that’s a great starter light. I’ve used one on and off for a few years now and it’s great for quarantine or when one of my girls gets too big and needs their own light. I got over 14 oz. from the last girl I grew under it.
One more thing, I will invest in some quality ph/ec/ppm meters. Does anyone have a feeding chart for reference? For autos, to be more precise, Dutch Passion Lemon Kix
While that chart looks accurate, it won’t do a whole lot for you with your nutes. The conversions never change, but you won’t be measuring your feed conductivity since you are top dressing with organic amendments. Those feed numbers are for synthetics. With your nutes you would just top dress every few weeks and water. Organics are generally less involved than synthetics. It’s kinda fire and forget.
You wanna say that i don’t need a ec meter if using organic nutes? If so, then you just save me some €€€
I don’t mean to say that you won’t use one. It is a good tool to have on hand, but you probably wouldn’t use it as much in an organic grow. If you are at all curious about trying other mediums or nutes then it would probably be a good idea. If you are going to continue to use spring water all the way through(keep in mind that her water requirements will go up quite a bit throughout flower) and stick with the organic nutes then that money may be better used elsewhere. Just keep in mind you may need one in the future if you decide to stick with it.
So, it’s already week 5, and things looking good, except for one down below, tips are slightly yellow and I’m not really sure why. I use Organics Nutrients line of nutes, so far first time added Powerplant as per manufacturer recommendation which is 3ml/L, added mycorrhizae at week 3 during transplant, light is at 32" from the plant and currently at 75% of 300w, water is ph corrected to 6.3-6.6… and question is what cause this? Any clue?
It’s from the feed. It’s just a slight excess showing. Looks like some of the others are about to start showing some yellow tips. That one is probably just a little more sensitive than the others. Some people say it means your feed is dialed in, but I would say it’s the first sign that there are to many nutes in the root zone. It’s up to you how you want to look at it. I would say give plain PH’ed water next watering and go from there. Watch the new growth for improvement. When you do fertilize again try a half the recommend dose and adjust from there.
You are dead on. Light nail polish. Max uptake right now. If get brown on very tip no sweat. As long as does not crawl up the leaves. I ride that edge every time. Organics are pretty forgiving. Keep the soil healthy as you are doing.