Second go with DWC

I prune up to week 4 after flip as needed without having noticed any I’ll effects.


Thanks @StevOz.

One of my first grow I chopped late (think 4 weeks +) and she turned to him… but I think it was the seed as it was a baggie seed.

Will give a prune few days as it’s due a tank change tonight.


in my experience 5-6 weeks after flip to 12/12 is when the stretch ends…


Hey Growmies,

Been a bit busy with visitors, work and life.

Added second net as cause of lack of understand what I should have done when the first net was installed :joy:

The grow has been going gangbusters with the flowing finally starting.

Have moved from using filtered water to straight tap and the ph is little bit better and didn’t drop as much over 2 hours like it has been doing, but still on the low side.

Full tank change and added cal-mag as backup. Hopefully ph is a little bit more stable :crossed_fingers:.

Been pushing all growth down with some success, but she doing what ever she wants to do. :person_shrugging:


Hi all,
It’s week 5 according to the calendar.
Been away camping for the first time in many years.
Amazing when you haven’t seen it for a few days and wow…

View today from the jungle.

Lots and lots of trichome and there’s lots.

The heads are starting to fatten up.

Well I’m nearly out of vertical space but I think the stream has slowed right down.
I’ve been bending quite a few of the stems to keep it down and it seems to have worked (maybe).
But have learnt more again and the next one will be better.
Any think I should be starting to look for.


Some more pics …:hugs:


morning Mardy…grow is looking good

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Hello All,
The buds are starting to fattening up :crossed_fingers:.

Plant seems to be doing great with a few pistles starting to change to red.
Plenty of frosting going on.

Ph is still low and adding 1-2 mls of PH up every morning and when topping up tank at night. Same issue that I get it up to 5.8 and drops back to 4.4 ish 12 hours later, she seems happy.
What do you experience experts think?


While have a look found a few leaves with issues.

I don’t think it’s anything to worry about but will ask the question before it becomes a bigger issue.

The light is on the low side. My fault for leaving in veg way toooo long.
Not really a lot I can do as it’s at the back of the tent.


morning Mardy… in the beginning I did like you add some ph adjustments daily and next day would be right back at the same place again… then I decided to see what happens if I just leave it alone…well several grows later and I no longer adjust PH between change outs… in veg I will go to 7 and during flower I will go to <4 sometimes and the plants show no signs of PH issues and grow a good product for me…typically in my grow setup the first 3 days after change out the PH doesn/t move much but on that 4 and beyond she will go to one of the extremes depending on which phase she is in… oh and concerning leaf issues…during a grow I always get a few leaves that show some sign of something but it never goes beyond those few leaves and I have learned to not react to this unless the whole plant starts to develop issues…


Hey everyone,
A few weeks to go at the end of week 6.
From what I can see I have no Amber trichomes that I can see yet.
Should I leave the leave for another week at the current nutrient level or drop down to the final week which is lower again.
Your knowledge and experience is appreciated.


morning Mardy… girls look good…if she is eating continue with current feeding but if she is mostly drinking then it is time to start reducing your nutrient levels…


Some head shots… :joy:
She is going well, starting to thicken up.
Don’t think anything massive to come but some nice buds hopefully.
Kicking into the end off week 7 onto 8
Tank change and a drop in ec to 1.4.
Noticed some top leaves are staring to loose colour and lower fan leaves under canopy are drying up to crispy stage…

No Amber trichomes that I can see yet, but starting to see a few more milky ones with lots of clear.


looking good Mardy…nice grow


Hi all,

Week 8 is here.
Still no amber trichomes that I can see, but lots of milky ones… :hugs:

Dropping nutrients down to 1.0 ec.
Canopy is starting to change colour and all of the lower (under the fiat net) has been removed as they were crispy and dropping bits off everywhere.

Thoughts and what should I watch for?


Been really slack with the updates…
16aug Pictures


More from 21st Aug

28th Aug pics
Have been running straight ph water for 3 days after reducing ec down to .5 for a week prior. Can really start to notice the amber coming through.

And last night…

And today…