Hello all! Excited for my first post…
I bought 10 seeds of Sour Kush Auto from Growers Choice Seeds a few months ago. Fast forward to today and some of the plants looks totally different than the others (both in terms of flowering timeline and leaf size/shape). I’ve added some pictures for reference. Seven of the eight plants that survived have skinny-ish leaves, compared to one with fat leaves and the one with the skinniest leaves. On a related note, two of the plants have been flowering for about three weeks, whereas the one with fat leaves has not started flowering.
Did I just get an inconsistent batch of seeds? Or is this normal? I’m not worried, just curious. At this rate, it’s going to be a month from harvesting the first plant and the last plant.
I’m growing outdoor. This is Day 46 from planting in the soil. All plants got the same treatment. Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Started in red solo cups and transplanted to 5 gallon fabric pots. Fox Farm trio nutes every other feeding. Water is pH’d to 5.5-6.5 each feeding and watering.
Skinny boi
Chonky boi
Flower bois