Safe, effective, organic homemade pesticides

Hi @RickR, Sorry, I didn’t see this, didn’t get email notification, weird?!?

I only pour alcohol onto the mortar after I crushed pepper and garlic to extract more nasty stuff out of it. Than I poured it into something with pouring spout, like pitcher. Then add lots of water in it. So there’s only minute amount of alcohol in it. I only use more alcohol on vegetative state. Once you see sign of trichomes, you don’t want to use alcohol on it because alcohol will dissolve the trichomes. Hope this help.

For caterpillars, I use BT like @AAA said. Look up caterpillar killer on Amazon and there are 3-4 brands to choose. I got Safer’s caterpillar killer, and Jack, something, something. Both worked equally well so just buy one. I find spraying it after dark is best. The caterpillars come out to eat after sun down and go hiding and sleep during the day. If you spray during the day, it will dried up or dissipated some before the caterpillars get it. I go for maximum kill!

Thanks Ning

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Can seven dust be used for pest control plants have not started to flower

I’m going to give this a try.

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Fungus gnats also cause thats what i am mixing up yoday all orgranic garlic peppermix thanks

This post is for anybody who’s willing to reply to it. I just got brand new sprouts six in total. I sprayed one plant with crop defender 3 and it literally died the next day. These little babies are already having pest issues and leaf issues and such, and I’m trying to find the safest alternative, especially considering their fragile state. If anybody could be of assistance with a first-time grower who just wants a few successful grow plants, I would truly be in debt

What bugs?
What leaf issues?
If you don’t have a grow journal you should start one so you can journal things as you go.
Without details and pictures it’s hard to help you.
What medium are you growing in?
Inside or outside
If inside what size tent.
Container size
Inline fan
Circulation fans.
Environment such as temps and humidity day and night?
Watering practices?
Many on here are more than willing to help but we have to have details in order to better help and pictures are worth a thousand words as they say.