Rpgrower and the assembly line

@RPgrower Good morning to you as well. And thank you, I am feeling better. Looks like I have some killer stains to try. Just need to figure out my issue. My try a couple outdoors :thinking: :laughing:. Maybe be able to pollinate something if I can keep it viable. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


@Dforce glad to hear that you are feeling better. :grinning::100: I hope the pollen will work for you. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:I took a small lower bud off the strawberry Kush, didn’t find any seeds in it. I sweep dust off of light and let it fall on the SK still hoping to find a few seeds in some of the bigger upper buds. :crossed_fingers:


Good morning everyone, hope you’re all having a good weekend. Plants are doing well, looking like I will be harvesting towards the end of next week. My chicks are doing well also. Out of these last ones I have 7, still looking like two will be roosters. @StonedCold13 thanks again for the tip, they do love the wet food. :wave::beers::beers::v:

. I think these two will be the roosters, short Wing feathers and no tail feathers. All the others have both.


[/grid]. All the others have long Wing feathers and tail feathers. That’s a good sign they’ll be hens


morning RPG…chicks looking good…


Morning RPG chicks getn big already :grin: have a great day buddy :metal::metal:


I’ve always been partial to hot chicks. Mornin RP. Mornin er’body.


Top of the day everyone, hope you’re all having a good start to the week. As for me not so well, but not real bad either. Rita’s not feeling well again today, so 10:00 Dr appointment for her. Plants are looking like a jungle, got to harvest a couple by end of week.


[/grid] and here’s the KB
I’ve maxed out the light over the sour diesel (back left,3rd picture). It’s got to be pushing 6 ft. Tall. :wave::beers::beers::v::sunglasses:. Should make some awesome buds. :smiley::smiley:


sending good vibes for miss Rita to feel better…


Morning sir hope everything goes well and hope Rita gets to feeling better yal have a good day :pray::metal:


Thanks y’all, we made it here, hope they can do something for her


Sorry to hear you have to go through this @RPgrower
Your very dedicated to caring and supporting Rita
Its like my wife caring for her mum and me caring for my wife from the overload
Mums 96
Wife and i ended up outside at the garden at the same time
Did a bit of clearing to create a new chook enclosure
When we went back shortly after her mum had left the house without her walking stick and fallen over couldn’t get up.
We growl and tell her if you break your leg or hip its all over you wont be able to live here wont be able to have an operation.
There some part of her mind that thinks she still 30
Had a thought does Rita know you got this production line growing?
Cheers :beers: :clap: :v:


Good evening everyone and thanks for the concern for Rita. Dr said she was still stopped up and sent me home with some more orders for Rita. Needless to say she’s had a pretty bad evening, but she’s not stopped up anymore. I’m wore out, been a heck of an evening. She’s in bed and resting now, hope she will sleep the rest of the night. Hopefully she will be feeling better tomorrow. @Blackmoon top of the day to you my friend. Rita knows I grow my own smoke and I show her some of the bud occasionally. But she doesn’t know about the assembly line :joy::face_with_spiral_eyes::joy:. But I am in the process of slowing things down some. :wave::beers::beers::v:. Sorry to hear about granny falling, glad she wasn’t hurt. Yeah Rita’s that way some to. She sometimes still thinks she can walk and drive. Strange :thinking::thinking::woozy_face:


Good morning everyone, I hope you’re all having a good week so far. Rita had a good day yesterday and I was able to work a few hours. Hoping for the same today. I have some skin cancer on my face and very close to my eye. Have appointment with specialist tomorrow evening at 3:30. Thinking I will try to harvest the strawberry Kush and BlackBerry Moon Rock this weekend. The KB is getting huge.

. And here’s the Kool-Aid breath and the chupacabra. Chupacabra finally quit revegging and started growing


Mornin RP. Glad shes feeling better today. That dang sun that feeds our plants is trying to kill us. Have a great day ya’ll. Praying for you guys.


They are so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Morning RPG glad to hear she had a good day hope more to come and hope all goes well with your issue have a blessed day :+1::+1::love_you_gesture:


Glad Rita is doing good, and yes that skin crap sux, they do a Biopsey yet? , I have to go every 3 months now have 2 spots on the back and one on the arm alls good so far.luck to you and don’t fret, plants still rocking.


Good evening Bud. All is looking happy and healthy. So glad to hear Rita is doing better. As for the other crap, I’m guessing you caught it early, which is good. A buddy of mine is going through the same. :pray::pray: for you two.


Hi there @RPgrower
Plants are all coming into that exciting stage that can seem to drag its feet in regards to our expectations of being ready to harvest
All looking stella
Not long now
Glad Rita got to feel better again
And you got to get away and do some work
Our situation gets harder by the day really with the mother in-law
You have to shout to say anything and you can barely leave her on her own for even short lengths of time now
So me and my wife never get any time to ourselves
She recovered from her fall ok
A day or so later we got a call to say her younger sister died at 84
Was suffering from onsetting dementia and i recon tbat be a horrible way to go out
So she dodged that.
My wife taking her down in the plane to be at the funeral
Im left to look after the dog and cat and 50 baby ducks and 20 young chickens :chicken:
And look after my back
Went to work the last few shifts hoping i could cope but boss said look after yourself
So ive got to go see a doctor and extend my unfit for work cert.
Hope i get it :pray:
Even another week be good
Cheers :beers:


Good morning everyone, and thank you all for your concern for Rita and I. She seems to be doing well this morning. And they did remove the melatonin that was on my nose right next to my eyeball. Used laser surgery numbed a little and burn it off and it really hasn’t bothered me at all so far. They have a special cream that you apply for 10 to 14 days. It’s some type of antibiotic cream that will get rid of any pre melatonin on my face. I have to wait for the results to come back on this biopsy to make sure it wasn’t cancer if it is then they’ll have to do surgery before I can use that cream on my face. Should know in about 2 weeks. Anyway I did a little picture here of where they took it off of my nose.

. Also I checked my strawberry Kush this morning I’m getting a little Amber so I’m going to be harvesting it and the blackberry Moon Rock tonight. Hope you all have a good Friday and a great weekend. @Blackmoon and top of the day to you my friend. Yes it does seem like life gets harder as we and those that we care for get older. So sorry to hear about Granny’s sister and I’m sorry to hear that she’s not getting around as good as she was. I am however surprised that she was able to go to the funeral. At her age I’m sure that’s got to be hard on her. Anyway I hope they have a safe trip there I hope things go well with the funeral and I hope they have a safe trip back home. Sounds like you’re pretty loaded down also I hope things go well for you while they’re gone my friend sounds like a lot of stuff to take care of. And it sounds like you’ve got lots of babies. :wave::beers::beers::v: