Thx growbro, the goal is to stop having to spend 2 to 300 a week . Somehow i spent 17gs at the dispensary last yr and that was buying halfs for 90 and not.even top shelf and mostly those stupid vapes. The drive home is an hr and by the time i get there the .50 is gone lmao i can go through a gram vape a day and over an oz each week,it’s ridiculous. I put about an hrs work into maintaining my room and tweaking this or that everyday so in essence im just paying myself with weed in the end and keeping all money into the house and biz i run doing carpentry and renovations
@Happyday420 I have access to a hunting camp west of !-35 near Marietta/Ardmore…if you are near there maybe we can have a smoke date sometime when I am up at the camp…
Good morning everyone! Just a morning daily photo. This middle Northern lights doesnt look great, i flushed it yesterday and added alot of holes around the sides to help it dry out quicker.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Sweet! I am about 20 min. North of ardmore on 35. Maybe we can make that happen sometime.
@Bentstick was talking about mosquito bits. It’s a bacteria called Bacillus thuringiensis or BT. They damage the digestive system of a verity of insect larvae depending on the particular strain of bacteria. You need to get the right strain to target the pest your dealing with. Mosquito bits are generally good for gnats, flies, and mosquitos.
I’ll preface by saying I’m just saying this stuff because you seem interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how plants work so I’m sharing how I come to these conclusions. I’m not saying that I must be right, I just want to share info I have with anyone that’s interested.
I’m also looking at the color, structure, and shape of the leaves and where symptoms appear on the plant as well as environment and methods. Ca can cause spots on the leaves and wrinkled and or twisted leaves. The narrowing of leaflets and shortening of internodal space towards the apical nodes looks like Zn def. Zn is essential for production of various enzymes, hormones, and cell reproduction. Ca and Zn def can cause interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins of the leaflets) from the apical node(tip of the branch) down. Then we look at what would cause both to be deficient at the same time. It could be a lack of both, but grow big has plenty of Zn for veg so it’s more likely an availability issue than a supply issue. Both become less available in alkaline soil. Then I ask how the soil would become alkaline. Nitrate salts will do it and they are very common with grow big. If your water is alkaline as in the case of hard water(also pretty common) it’s even worse because the ammonium also turns to nitrate in alkaline conditions. Since you weren’t testing PH and EC this seems like the likely cause. Keep in mind to know for sure you would need to do a plant sap analysis since a lot of issues cause very similar symptoms, but obviously a PSA isn’t really realistic for a home grower every time something goes wrong. We just have to try to work it out based on what we can measure and perceive as home growers.
Im at work but will be getting a ph pen and soil tester tomorrow and ill talk more with you. Thanks for the knowledge, wish i could give a longer reply,will later.
Side note have not used cal-mag
I wouldn’t add any yet. More often than not the Ca is there but High PH, RH, Cl, or Na are preventing it from being utilized by the plant.
You can just get a pen. You can do a slurry test with a pen. That would be much more accurate unless you spend hundreds on a soil PH meter. The cheaper combo probes only give you a ball park measurement and even then the soil has to be near 100% saturation and the probes have to be perfectly polished.
Im picking up.the vivosun combo set from the local hydro store tomorrow, daid it was around 18 bucks or something. I think he said vivosun but not sure
Ive tried that probe from lowes and took it right back, it read the same thing even if it wasnt in the soil
that’s probably what I’m talking about being a waste. I’ve had a few of the vivosun pens and they are ok for a while as long as you keep them calibrated.
Tomorrow well talk more.if thats cool and maybe you could help me dial this in. Ive been organic 100 percent until now so i need to learn the ph system with watering and feeding because i have some beautiful girls in lst atm and i wanna have max yield
I think shes healthy though, my phone mixed with the light at the wrong angle makes it look yellowish
I literally have her pulled apart like a manifold
Flushed soil last night and also when checking soil apparently she was dehydrated as well, I learned i need to check her more often now shes more mature and drinks more.
Definitely alot greener and my Ph pen combo from vivosun along with ph-up and ph-down solution should be here today sometime ordered off Amazon

I pulled a lil too tight today on my Sugashine girl… she split but it was the extra 2 i got from F.IM,ing . I used some rooting hormone gel because i had no honey ,wrapped with paper towel,then wrapped a bread tie around and then to make sure i got it bonded 100 % I used string and pulled until i could see she was sealed,my first time attempting to repair a break but i believe what ive done will work. Any of my growmies know an estimated time frame to watch for healing?
On the brighter side of things got same day delivery for only 15$ this pen combo,not top of the line but will work,came with extra batteries and calibration solution, ph up and down will be here tomorrow then ill be a bit more on point with a few things
Couldn’t really say on time frame but sure she will be fine with what all ive seen different growers do to there’s
Just dont make it to tight might choke it off best to use something that will stretch with growth:+1:
It’ll heal up in a week or so. You’ll be good.
At this point what ive done will have to stay ,if its too tight ill just have to cut my losses but i think its not but well see. Appreciate yalls input youve both have always helped when i had a question and i really appreciate that.
You bet buddy. Ol SS gonna be a tough girl.
No problem buddy they looking great:+1:
Yo sir shes built like a dang tank, i have never grown such a thick and bushy plant. If i didnt lst her she wouldnt spread out but man shes been very difficult to get apart,I’ve been having to do it a little at a time hence shell split like the top due to girth,I am pretty sure shes gonna have some serious yield . Her stalks and branches are thicker than a snicker