Ready for first transplant?

I think it depends a lot on your training methods as well. I am only running photoperiod, I have 3 big girls in 5 gallon pots. They were topped, tied down, spread, LST and HST (probably could have doe with 7 gals also. The other 3 are same strain, but much shorter veg and different training - will grow vertical, topped and spread. They will stay in 3 gallons.
I also needed to keep them easily mobile for myself - due to back issues. But the pots were selected for the girls in the space - that was my priority. :v:


Ive been drying a amnesia auto for 10 days now the stem still isn’t snapping any suggestions @kellydans @Oldguy @Budz420


I originally hung the whole plant but 2 days ago cut the branches and hung them individually

10 days sounds long enough to me I would probably put in jar, And add hydrometer to check moisture. My stems never snap before I put them in the jar at that point I think they’re too dry.

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Thanks ,exactly what i wanted to hear

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What’s your temperature.

Has been around 70 , high humidity for the first 6 days then was able to get it to 60percent

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I think you’ll be fine.I just Jarred one temperature was between 70 to 72 little warmer than I like but it’s mid-summer 8 days drying. My hydrometer in the jar is reading 60% which is pretty darn good.


exactly same conditions, finally a break in the heat. I dried it in a big box next to my baby photos , another reason i didn’t drop the temp to much


@kellydans has got you covered.
You should be good to jar and burp now. @Tinman.


I haven’t finished veg yet! :rofl:


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I have a few autos under my belt, so much to still learn

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I didnt read the other posts yet, but a good rule of thumb is to let the farthest out leaves reach the edge of the pot. Thats how I do it and it works very well for me. The roots always seem to be the perfect reach this way and it doesn’t seem to shock the plant as much.


Yeah i was trying to wait for that ,but started seeing roots come out the bottom drain holes

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If your roots are that deep for a plant of that size, it would seem you have two issues:
1- They’re reaching a bit. You’re light probably needs to be lower.
2- You’re roots are reaching also. When you water, pour the water around the outside of pot and make them search outward, not down. That’ll build a better root anchor and root ball. If you water at the stem, it can cause drain holes in the soil and eventually weaken or rot your roots from the center out. An old skool grower taught me that and its been extremely beneficial to my open air grows.