Questions on starting phase

Questions about germination to seedlings.
Have ordered seeds from ILGM-Strawberry Cush, should be delivered within a week.
I plan on soaking them and planting in solo cup when root comes out but what type soil does everyone plant seed in and when do you put under lights, distance light above plant and how long till transplant, do you feed it etc. will ask more questions about phases after this I’m sure lol.
Just trying to limit my mistakes by asking more experienced growers questions.
Thank everyone for their input.

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Auto or photo? Start in water with 1/2 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. I give them 24 hours of soak, until they stop floating, hit the bottom. Then I put them in MOIST soil. About 1/4-1/2 inch depth in there forever pots. Mist the inside of a glass jar and place over planted seed. Light needs to be minimal, not strong as that will cause stretching. Might have to mist a couple of times a day, but you want that humidity. Seedlings take moisture from the air as they don’t have a root system developed. Dome for at least a week. I also will mist the outside of my dome to establish a moisture ring around the seedling.
Hope this helps.
There are a lot of very knowledgeable folks to help here! @nicky, @Caligurl, @Covertgrower


Thank you, and I’m planting photo, Strawberry Cush

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I’ve only done a few seeds and they both germinate just fine. I took a plate and lined it with a wet (but not soaking) paper towel, put another one on top of the seed and then places another plate on top… check a few times a day and if the paper towel feels dry, spritz it with a srayer. But like I said, I’ve only germinated twice… I’ve been doing clones.

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Thank you

Follow @TEGRITY information it’s solid, if you prefer to wait to see the tail then wet a piece of paper towel then ring it out before putting the seeds in it and sealing it in a zip lock /tupperwear. Of course warmth and darkness is key as well.
I like to do this just Incase I do get a dud that doesn’t germinate.

When your seed pops give it a couple days but you may need to help remove the shell off the leaf ever so gently.

The hydrogen peroxide helps soften the shell to help germinate easier, so don’t skip this step.
If you leave your seed in water longer then 24hr you have a chance to drown it.

If you haven’t started yet I strongly recommend using coco with 50% perlite over soil!!!

If your set on soil ensure its 30% perlite (meaning your going to have to add perlite to almost any normal soil. Do not use anything that reads “feeds 6 months” or any miracle grow product. Stick to an organic soil. Again coco and nutrients is a much much better way to grow


Thank you. I’m anxious to get started, just waiting on seeds.
I ordered them 5 days ago, don’t know how long ILGM takes to send seeds but I’m ready.

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usually you’ll get them in 10-14 days or sooner.
At least that’s been both my buying experiences.


Thanks @nicky.
I usually get mine in a week. Don’t know where in the world you are, but I’m in Missouri. So it impressed me to get 'em that quick.

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