Question on compost teas!

There are a couple of opinions on this subject…but I won’t go down that rabbit hole.

Yes I have used teas. Added stuff to experiment, and will continue to use up the stuff I bought. I am not going to let the $$ of things I bought starting off go to waste!

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Little late to this thread. Sorry to piggy back, but WHEN is a good time to add the first compost tea?

I’m sitting on like $300 worth of organic amendments (guano, compost, liquid fish, kelp, molasses, etc, etc) and am 3½ weeks into my first indoor photo grow.

Thanks a lot.

Just my experience. I started when I transplanted from solos to final containers. Since I also was using it in the vegetable and flower gardens, I was brewing about 10 gallons a week. I’m guessing they each got a tea drink weekly.

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@JaneQP sorry if I’m bugging you here. I’m in little 3 gallon fabric pots, and it is their final homes. Having to do what I can with the little space I have lol. 1 gallon between all 3 gives me like 5-10% runoff. I was thinking just a gallon with…

1 tablespoon molasses
2 tablespoons compost
½ teaspoon guano
1 teaspoon worm castings
½ teaspoon liquid fish&seaweed

I’ve made tea twice for other plants, but think I may have gotten too much of this or that in the mix.

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That looks like good base IMHO. Are you aerating the mixture until it gets a foam on top? You can always dilute if you think it is too strong. I used a pre-made mix called boogie brew but would add in other stuff for experimenting.

All my brewing stuff is packed away in the shed so I won’t be making any until next outdoor grow.

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I will be aerating since I’m using a few ingredients. I know the nitrogen is a little high in some of them so that’s why I wanted to go easy. I really appreciate the info. Last thing, maybe, hopefully, I’m always asking something lol. I know molasses goes first to start it off. Any tips or pointers? 48hrs, in the dark, kinda covered.

Brewing time varies on ambient temperature cool temps longer brew time 12 to 48 hours as @JaneQP said when you get a good foamy head it’s ready happy brewing

I added everything at once. My brew was on a covered patio and I used it once the foam showed up about 24-48 hours.

Also if you are using chlorinated tap water let it sit for 24 hours or aerate before use. I’m sure you already know that.

Take care my friend.


Very much appreciated!!!

If you are putting molasses in first, you may want to put in kelp and humic acid along with it. The latter two are good for feeding mycorrhizae. They take longer to proliferate, so won’t get a lot of the good fungi till 48+ hours. Bacteria will increase super fast, especially in a tea that has a lot of sugar. If you use heavy amounts of sugar (molasses) your ph may start diving and the tea will get really acidic, which may narrow the kinds of microbes that can survive (fungi like a lower ph). Kelp can help buffer the tea, to a point, as can hard water that has sat out for a day or so. I’ve also read that dolomite lime can be added. There is a healthy debate over whether one should adjust ph at all in teas. As the microbes do their thing, ph values will change naturally. On the other hand, if your tea is super acidic or alkaline, it may mess with your medium (think coco). Lastly, watch your EC. As the organics are broken down by the critters, your TDS can climb quite a bit, sometimes too much. I tend to focus on feeding the microbes over adding nutrients. Hope that helps.


I’d quadruple the worm casting amount. I mix mine in a gallon water jug and add a 1/4 cup worm casting, you can also sprinkle a 1/4 -1/2 cup of worm castings to the top of the soil of each plant and water it with the tea, every 2 weeks during flower I add worm castings to the topsoil. It won’t burn your plants


Thank you @small-t-truth and @J.Gro ! I only started teas last summer but this is great information for the next outdoor grow!

Best to you both!

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I really appreciate that y’all!!! Definitely have me a little better understanding!!! Thanks so much!