Purchasing equipment for first grow

Looking to start purchasing supplies for my first grow, was wondering if you guys could help me get a solid list. Just looking for a quality setup that will last.

Was considering grabbing this Vivosun kit ( VIVOSUN GIY-SGS-42 Pro 2-Plant Smart Grow Tent Kit with 2x AeroLight A100, 4-inch AeroZesh T4 Ventilation Combo, 48″ x 24″ x 60″ )

Has anyone used their kits before? Are they worth it/what additional equipment should I purchase with it?

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You would be far better off to piece out your grow space.

In order of importance: lights, enclosure, quality meters, exhaust fans, any environmental stuff you need like a/c or humidifier/dehumidifier. By far the most important is good lighting.

You should be aware that there are both a large number of lights on the market and that many (if not most) are greatly exaggerating their performance*. The best commercial lights on the market are currently built by Horticulture Lighting Group. They aren’t cheap but it’s a ‘one and done’ purchase. You are looking for around 200 actual watts of LED’s per plant to properly flower out your grow. Using less light will produce an inferior yield.

With good equipment you can expect to yield 10 to 12 oz. per plant (if growing photoperiod). Stay away from autoflowering plants as they are harder to get right for a new grower.

You’ll need decent instruments like PH and TDS meters (stay away from the soil probe type). If you aren’t spending some coin on the meters they are a waste of money. I currently have a combo meter made by Bluelab that is outstanding. Don’t forget calibration and storage solution.

Any container grow you do will require supplements after 4 to 6 weeks. Assuming cannabis-optimized soils like Fox Farm or Roots Organics, flowering nutes will be necessary. I recommend Jack’s which you’ll find a lot of information on in this forum.

Timers, fans, mixing and measuring equipment etc. will all be necessary.

Good luck and post your progress! Welcome to the forum!

  • any light that claims “same performance as 1,000 watt HPS but only consumes 100 watts” is lying to you.

Preciate the reply and the advice alot!

Heres what I have down so far for equipment:

Vivosun 5x5
HLG 320w XL (2?)
Vivosun Filter Fan & Grow hub ( If any better suggestions please let me know)
Blue Lab combo meter with calibration & storage solution ( https://www.amazon.com/Bluelab-Calibration-Solution-2-77-Conductivity/dp/B07BRBJD77/ref=asc_df_B07BRBJD77/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=242120314056&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15666647847439452323&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027792&hvtargid=pla-580010558834&psc=1 )

For gear i was thinking

Fox Farms: Light warrior → Happy frog
Still researching nutrients (would love to hear suggestions)

Was gonna pop some Windu (SkyWalkerOG x RS-11) & some kind of OG still looking around


You’ve made some good choices.

I second Myfriendis410 Jacks 321 recommendation.


I would recommend the AC Infinity tents and fans. Thier tents are thicker and fans quieter. Also thier customer service is awesome. I had a small light leak in one of my tents. And I mean small, so they sent me another tent cover with no issues.

Also had an oscillating fan making a small clicking sound and they sent me a new one and told me to keep the bad one as well. So extra fan

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I second that. The AC Infinity Cloudline 6" with controller is an amazing fan. The controller is worth it by itself.


I purchased a kit from Vivosun when I started and was pretty disappointed. Although I haven’t had any problems with anything failing, it’s all pretty cheaply made (especially the tent, very thin walls and cheap zippers) and I immediately had issues with their customer service. It took 2 weeks for them to reply to a really basic question about the controller and, they didn’t have a real answer for me after several emails back and forth. I ended up answering my own question via Google. The light they sent in the kit is probably pretty good at growing lettuce but won’t get your cannabis very far, it’s just not strong enough. I upgraded the light to a much bigger Spider Farmer light and added a bunch of new gear to create a 2 tent setup. The difference between the vivosun ventilation and AC Infinity gear is huge. In the end, if I had just spent a couple hundred more to outfit my room, I would have actually saved myself a ton of money and headaches.


I run a HLG320XL … youll love that light. AC Infinity Cloudline for exhaust, ect. Controller 69Pro so you can control equipment through wifi.


I’d stay away from vivosun. Every thing i had from them was crap. Just my exp.


I have an HLG 320 Rspec FR that is my best light. I thougt the 300L Respec was nice until i get the 320 FR. WOW! Is that a solid light! I can’t wait to see the end results of this grow. I hung it right in the middle with the 300L Respec and 200 Rspec flanking it…I’d go HLG all the way as they are the most dependable customer service also…


I have a few vivosun lights that are “ok”, but the newer aero lights are pretty awesome in my mind. Not saying they are as good or better than hlg but they use similar diodes and are a bit cheaper. Definitely way better than the V series of lights.


Dirto @Myfriendis410 , cant go wrong

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Hello my friend, welcome, I myself am doing my first grow and purchased a Vivosun Tent as a kit, This is the kit I have purchased… VIVOSUN GIY 4x4 ft. Grow Tent… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093BJ4BKZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

I also added the VIVOSUN GrowHub Controller E42A,… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BS2BVL3Q?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

And VIVOSUN AeroZesh S6 Inline Duct… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YGSSMW8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

And also purchased one extra arrowwave E6 fan. The light it came with (LS4000) seems to be doing just fine as I am running at this moment a flowering post that I’ll be throwing pictures down week by week until harvest, you’re more than welcome to check it out​:blush:… i’ve definitely spent a few bucks. However, I’ve had no problems. Everybody has their personal preferences or what they have herd. People tell you that the tents are cheaply made and light leaks through & the zippers are too small or they stick and lets light leak out, blah blah blah I however have had no problems as of “yet” and I purchased this all back in July. The grow hub controller Effen rocks it! Definitely makes life easier :wink: There is obviously better quality tents and lights and everything else however, you’re going to be paying higher prices too. It’s all about what you would like to have and what you can afford. I’m sure as I get more experienced. I’ll be using different equipment or maybe not but I feel for now. This is gonna do me just fine…. TLK :sunglasses:


Fox Farms are the nutrients I’ve been using, I also have used IGLM ferts however liking fox farms better

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What do you think of the 325 max by HLG

I can’t get no beer delivered with cash! G-Dangit!
Huh? The 325? Never heard of it. I know they make a 320 Rspec FR but no 325.

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