Psilocybin Adventures

Lol :sweat_smile: :laughing:

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If it helps, straight 3%h202 in a spray bottle is a great way to wipe out the contams in a room, spray this stuff everywhere and let it air dry.


Be sure to use a HEPA filter. Simple carbon filters are far less effective at removing mold spores.

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Good lawd! Guess whats popping in the North Star state!


Looks on point. Just harvest as soon as rhe veil drops and you won’t get spores on your nice gold caps.


@Caligurl thank you lol :laughing: i did read it but its been awhile

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Wow thats awsome

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Can anyone help explain how i learn to know when these are ready please ?? Its not like i can get my head in there & see underneath them, something about the vail dropping ? & do ya just pick the big ones & leave medium & small to keep growing… this is the confusing part for me lol


You are almost there. About two to three more days. The veil is not very visible yet. They will just start to dust spores on whatever is underneath the cap of mature mushrooms. It will look like darrrk purple dust, the spores.


A beautiful morchella, moral.

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Look for one with a top that secures with screw downs. Goodwill, salvation army, Craigslist, garage sales, offer up, ebay, etc.


TT if you have not done this yet please dont. Denali should be sued.

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I always get more pins when I case. Case- put a thin layer of straight coco coir that has been sterilized on top of your spawn and medium mixture.


They will get bigger but it happens FAST. They should be as big if not bigger, than that big one on the top left. But, keep an eye on the veil and as soon as it starts separating, it’s time… you have to selectively harvest.


Ok great thanks guys & gals… so my main purpose now is to watch for the vail to separate? Then cut? Woohoooo almost there


I don’t cut. I grab them at the base and twist them back and forth until they pop out. I found when I cut them, the exposed stem gets really fuzzy.

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Slightly more open then this.

I suggest before they become flat like this and sporulate. Its messy when the spores drop as you can see.

When is perfect is really a matter of preference. Once the veil tears away the mushrooms will stop making alkaloids and prepare to complete its life cycle and sporulate. During this time the fruits can double in size over 24 hour period. Kinda like the preflower stretch. The choice is quality vs. quantity. This is kinda like waiting till all the trichomes turn cloudy or even a few amber before harvest. Hope this helps growmie.


I like “sporulate” that is a cool and very descriptive word. Right on man🧐


If you cut the stems with scissors you will have a much better 2nd and 3 flush. When you pull out the base of the stem , some of the mycelium gets ripped out, even if you twist them. This is the equivalent to you giving yourself a lobotomy. The fruits , :mushroom: are just one part of a much larger network. The mycelium is where the real magic happens.:drooling_face: