Probably All Die But

I do, and hopefully will get more pronounced and a nice purple color to them .



I donā€™t see anything that looks like balls of hyphae in those pics as in the others. So it very well could have been the glare you speak of. Remember pics suck, you have the best seat in the house. The bumps and leaf structure still look a little off to me still, but I couldnā€™t say why. Could be cold. I just havenā€™t seen that before in my grows even when they are outside in near freezing nights. Color looks off too, but Iā€™ll say it again, pics suck you have the best view. If you say it looks deep purple then your in a better place to judge.

Iā€™ve never seen or done this in a few years of using the GH line, but then again damn near everyone disagrees with me on when how and why to flush. IMO flushing is to correct an issue and if you have to flush regularly there is a deeper issue to be addressed.


@OGIncognito Dudeā€¦ I am in awe of you at this moment.

@Gl1tch yeah I saw the bumps and it looks Brown to me. Maybe like a Sienna, if I had a box of Crayola. My neighbor saw Purple though several days before the leaves looked like they did that day. And people on here see several different shades. I just hope everybody else is correct. Lol!

@Growdoc Dude Manā€¦ I been filling the muffin pans to overflowing, some of them.

Ay! You remember a week or more ago, I said something about Roseanne and Madonna???


Every now and then you get lucky :love_you_gesture:


I got lucky when I got this guy.
Yā€™all wanna see my Puppy Love, donā€™t ya??? You wanna see just how big he is, donā€™t ya? Well I sure feel like showing him off tonight. Looking all peaceful and stuff and things.


I havenā€™t added any photos for a minute. Except for of Capp.


lol very content. My dogs are too spoiled. They refuse to sleep on the floor. They have their own chairs and couch. Iā€™m just lucky that they share.


You have got to get out of the mindset that that is enough runoff, over running a catch pan isnā€™t a big deal if you have a small pan! I know your limited on space but you HAVE to get enough runoff to get the salts out of your coco or your never gonna get that ph up enough. You are resourceful enough to come up with something to hold more. I run about 1/2 a gallon off each plant every watering, thatā€™s why my input and runoff stay close together. Put that brain in gear and let the clutch out and figure it out, I know you can do it! Guess Iā€™ve adopted another one too.


Yeah, Capp is spoiled something awful, and not socialized either which has the potential of being a very bad thing. Iā€™m just glad he listens to me and me alone. But yeah, he has a couch too. If I have company and somebody sits on the one ends he hema and hollers and gets 20 kinds of bent out of shape. Not that he wants to be there because heā€™s straight up my ass when company comes, he just donā€™t want anybody else in his place. Bellz is a whole other story.


I am so ready for sleep but we are having a crazy storm, like thunder and lightning, and my rain barrel is already full. So I gotta fill up my milk jugs with whatā€™s in my totes, only like 100 gallon, and start filling the totes so the barrel will fill again. I think this summer I will get a 2nd barrel and bring a hose down into the basement window. What do you think?


Is that a newbie? I remember the red one you got last grow. Thatā€™s not her is it? Beautiful either way.


Itā€™s a he and yes, same one. 13 weeks he was over 40 lbs, blue Pit and Great Pyrenees heā€™s gonna be a monster. Thankfully he loves everybody , as young as he is, he watches my house and yard at night and runs anything out of the yard with a huge deep voice.


Oh shiz. My bad. I didnā€™t know you had returned and thought it was Glitch. Ooops! Whatā€™s up Doc?! He is most amazing to be sure. I always seem to have large pups. So do you recall the Madonna thing? I think you will like todays numbers.


Thats a beautiful dog. I saw the blue pit but never wouldā€™ve guessed Pyrenees. @ShureGreen Im in a 5 gallon coco. I just had to flush and it took about 8 gallons to get from 2600 down to 600. I had the pot sitting flat in a pan and once I got it on a riser it was able to rinse out. I add a gallon with a sprayer then I draw it out with a 500cc syringe.


Shepherds are amazing breed. I used to train them many moons ago.


Well, fyi, I am running 5 gallon to 4 each time. Just letting you know. Those muffin pans are fairly large. Iā€™ve never like measured how much goes into one but most normally if I walk away I come back to a mess. The floor down here, well let me just say that my 2 neighbors are hotel housekeepers so I have a buttload of white towels, and I have to wring them out and then wash evey other day. Itā€™s like 20-25 towels but some are hand towels. I ainā€™t being an ass either, just want you to know.

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Your EC is actually getting low but the ph still isnā€™t coming up. Sorry Iā€™m late but had to water and started a light trim getting them ready to chop soon. Just walked in a minute ago.


Capp isnā€™t trained, perse, as far as like shaking hands and such little tricks. But heā€™s 125lbs and when thatā€™s coming at you downhill at an all out run, pretend you are the UPS guy, and you are that close to pissing yourself, the sweetest sound youā€™ll never forget is my voice saying Cappeeeer! Come! Cause heā€™ll stop dead on the spot, turn and come to me. All he really wants to do is to say hi and touch noses with people, but they are afraid of him and nobody wants to even give him a chance to get to know him. He would NEVER bite. Ever. Heā€™s just a big baby really. Finally though, almost 9 years in, my area neighbors are learning that heā€™s all good and no bad. But itā€™s rough for us both the way people are. You know? Rambling. Sorry.

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Well the pH did come up some. Itā€™s not 5.3 anymore. Thatā€™s a start. Yeah?


Yep, itā€™s a start for sure.More runoff would do it fasterā€¦ā€¦:sunglasses::joy:

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