Princess, First Indoor Grow

The lines on all of your photos make me feel like a voyeuristic peeping Tom lol.


:joy: so Iā€™ll buy all this equipment this equipment for growing but Iā€™m too damn cheap to buy a new phone which is overdue! The camera on this ancient (Iphone 6) doesnā€™t have decent adjustable settings that I can get the lines out under the growlight. Sunlight no lines. I promise if my buds do right Iā€™ll take the glamour shots with my wifeā€™s camera or sonā€™s phone!


Deal. :+1:t2:

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Same boat my phones old and out of dateā€¦
Hopefully getting new one soonā€¦

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My 8+ year old phone looks better than my sonā€™s and nieceā€™s do after just a few months of ownership! But my old, out of date, crappy camera and ridiculously low storage show itā€™s age!

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Hereā€™s where Princess stands a little under 30 days of flipping. I did end up increasing the PPFD to ~1050 measured at the very top of the highest flowers. Smells good so we shall see!

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Looking awesomeā€¦
Way Togoā€¦
Happy Growingā€¦

Princess is about to make her own bling bling :gem: :gem::gem:

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Thank you! Iā€™m just telling myself donā€™t do anything stupid donā€™t do anything stupid :joy:

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Thanks, I hope so! Iā€™m telling her please make daddy happy!

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Quick check in at 5+ weeks after the flip. Princess appears to be marching along nicely and is quite fragrant. Iā€™ve been defoliating a bit at a time and will do a bit more as the fade unfolds. Happy growing all!

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