Plant is yellowing early and too quick!

This is what ive collected from the posts shared


These photos are of a plant in it’s veg cycle. It’s already yellowing.
I’m using the same soil, water, pots, lighting, etc., as I have for the last 8 years.
Could this be auto flower seeds that were sent by mistake? Every one of these seeds is growing like this. Feminized White Widow is what I ordered like I have in times past.
Help if you can, or maybe send me a few seeds that won’t act like this. These were sent from California, not the home country like in the past.

The lower leaves often fade like that. It does look like she is hungry for more light.

Damping off will do that: media looks awfully wet.

Plant also looks ‘leggy’ which indicates it’s looking for more light. You might want to address that too as it will help in many ways. Not least a higher yield.

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