@Audiofreak Damnit, thats not a good solution
Where the F did mayonnaise come from??? I’m talking getting some else to do the chit! Don’t know anything bout mayo. EWE!
The science is there.
I use olive oil followed up by soap and water. The oil (fat) does get the stickiness off and then soap and water gets the oil off.
The idea of mayo also grosses me out. Lol
Gee how about finger hash? Or maybe Arm Hair hash? Waste not want not!!!
@Low @Audiofreak One of you should try it and report back.
Either that or tag a few other people you know and try to convince them to be guinea pigs for this
I don’t harvest enough at one time (8/12oz) to be a concern to me LOL.
You could still try it though to see if it works… for science!
Ya no…I grow only 1 girl twice a year for my head not science if I don’t make the right call I lose 1/2 year of smoke.
Lmao you let me know how that goes… remember… pics or it didnt happen
Next time i trim I’ll try it. It’s gonna be a while though. I’ve been using oil which has a higher fat content. Will try mayo, for science. My stomach is turning just thinking about it. lol
@Low They do sell huge 30lb tubs of Mayo on Amazon
Would probably be a good purchase. We go through a lot of it anyway. LOL
Wait…. How would someone even store that? wtf
The reviews are hilarious too on the product page
I know how I’m spending part of my day. lol
@Low Bathing in sweet sweet mayonnaise?
Ew. lol, reading. I meant I’d spend the time reading those comments. Hahaha
I gagged when I read that post BTW
What a beauty!