Officially one month and a day old. They’re still growing. I did defol just a liiiitttttlllleeee of the stragglers and lower leaves but only a bit. I think they did alright with the topping I guess lol
So I can’t wait any longer. First grow at this time I was still bending and stressing the main stems and stuff with the chopsticks (and we all know how borked the babies were in the beginning with my issues for first grow )
Tomorrow long bamboo sticks are coming to thread the growths through and the tie down “floss” stuff to tie it all to.
It’s crazy how big they are compared to last grow.
I figure I’m in day 3 ish of flower based off the pistils being thrown off now.
It’s the best! I’m on my way to the biggest and best haul so far and getting really excited. I’m about to start running three tents. I can’t get enough!
I need to do something. At least try to defol a bit bit I just have no energy or ambition today. They’re definitely getting too big for the tent though. Light has been pulled all the way to top of tent with the pulleys, but shortly I’ll probably have to detach and try to zip tie the light to the top of the tent structure to gain MAYBE another 6 inches.
Hey, twinsies! I just checked my node growth on one of mine and realized she’s been getting absolutely hammered with light. About to go detach and zip tie as we speak.
supercropping babyyy
Let them grow and crack em in half when they defy you and get too tall.
I’m afraid to defol. I don’t wanna remove anything my plant’s actually gonna use. But I know I need to. Airflow is suffering. But boy can I relate!