Organics with the Hippie

Thanx @Big123 and @plumbdand. It’s crazy to see the size of them but then also to realize how much less I spent on nutrients this season.
Definitely going hot an heavy on the dry Down to Earth line up. Of course I also got the molasses and liquid European kelp like always. :rofl:

I did introduced alittle silica this season. Only durring July and August. Try and help with the heat stress a little and strengthening those cell walls. I really think it help :smiley: :muscle:

Now it’s just a waiting game tell mid October. Basically waiting tell the first major snow fall/freeze. I can deal with a light dusting of powder (snow). I simply blow the garden off with the leave blower. It works great. Same thing when the rain starts the end of September. It’s really when the roots start to freeze that it creates a problem for me.

Happy farming everyone… :v: :farmer: :smiley: :sun_with_face: :owl:


Good morning from Manny. Manny the September mantis. :v:


I love the Down to earth products. I have almost the same line up as you do @HippieRunner1


Howdy Runner…crops looking Great…question how did you add the silica this season ?


@RightAway. I would add it to the simple mix. So I would fill my 5 gallon bucket up with fresh water. (From the garden hose). Next I add 20ml of silica. Mix it up super well.

I was told by a few real OG farmers that you always want to add the silica to the water first. Something about it properly binding to the molecules.

After that I would add the remaining ingredients. Such as bio- live or bio-fish etc.

I only added it during July and August.


Mantis #2 today located. Released into the garden. :farmer: :smiley:


Okay Brother Runner thank you.


All four plants are very very happy today, praying to the sun gods and soaking up the energy. :sun_with_face: Its amazing what a nice fresh water soil drench can do.

Full of life and ready to start stacking on those resonated flowers. :owl:

The GG4 has a crazy stalk structure going on. :farmer: :v:


Looking dreamy @HippieRunner1 :partying_face::+1::jack_o_lantern::call_me_hand::rainbow::four_leaf_clover::evergreen_tree::jack_o_lantern::raised_hands:

I bought a 25 pound bag of 7-3-1 bat guano and 20 pound seabird guano, both Down to earth brand, found them at Walmart :peace_symbol: for decent price.



@Big123 I love those two together. They make a super bloom mix I feel hahah I like to use 1 TBS of bat and 2 TBS of seabird per 5 gallon of fresh water durring flower. Around week 6 of flower I bump the seabird up to 3 TBS.


I have really been enjoying these two books. Great editions to the ever growing library of knowledge. :farmer:


I did alittle big leafing this morning. It really helped open up the canopy. Allowing as much light deep down inside the plant as possible. This will be the only big leafing I do this year. From here on out it’s all natural selection :farmer:
Sometimes you have to bust out the ladder to get a good birds-eye view. :owl:

All four strains are showing signs of flower. Heck ya baby!!

I hope you all have an amazing week. You all kick a**… :smiley: :sun_with_face: :v: :farmer: :owl:


Looking :crazy_face::star_struck::partying_face: out freaking standing :fire::sunny::evergreen_tree:


I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend. Thought I would give ya’ll a quick little garden update.

The plants are all in full flower mode. I gave them all the second to last dose of nutrients yesterday. I plan on giving them the last little booster around the 23rd or so. From there on out it will just be clean fresh water. Mother Earths super plant elixir :v:

Talk about a month long flush. :smiley:

We are still holding on to that nice lush green color. A few inners are starting to yellow and die off but that’s to be expected around this time. Natural selection at it’s finest really :farmer:

The stalks are alittle bigger this year than last. The extra silica I added this year really helped strengthen the cells walls.
Next year I plan on upgrading to 200+ gallons with no bottom.

Bigger roots = Bigger fruits. :owl: :farmer:

Slightly frosted with a predicted weather forecast of White Out!!

The nightly temps will be dropping off pretty quick here in the next couple of weeks. Time for the fall colors.

I hope you all enjoyed the little garden you’re. You are all pretty bad a**. Keep up all the great work.

Happy farming… :sun_with_face: :smiley: :v: :owl: :farmer:


So Runner is there enough left in the organics to carry them all the way to finish ? They are so big and lush Bro !!! Totally Inspiring!!! Thanks for sharing your garden with us.


With the last feeding around the 23rd of September. Aiming to chop around October 15th. I would think so. :smiley: Our soil this year started off really good!! With the cover crop grown in June and the mulch layer. I will have to chop before all the nutrients is used up. :farmer: :owl:

For the last nutrients I will include the remaining of the seabird and bat guano, a good amount of molasses and a good amount of worm casting. Maybe alittle cal/mag. Really just looking to use up the nutrients I currently have and am running low on. That way I can re-up next season :v:


This has been one of the simplest charts I have ever found. I refer to it multiple times each season. Just like nutrition sometimes less is best when it comes to instruction.

I’m not sure why I felt inclined to share that. Hahaha


I had to start supplementing with Manganese Sulfate this grow because of feeding higher amounts K during vegetative cycle with the extreme heat :sunny: waves this summer :evergreen_tree::peace_symbol::fire::crescent_moon::four_leaf_clover::rainbow:

I also started using Big-6 from Buildasoil.


I like to up the amounts of bio-live, and fish supplements during veg. I think the silica helped with the heat also. @Big123


Since were tossing out graphs we love

Besides the fish, do you ever use alfalfa in veg for triacontanol and micros?@HippieRunner1

Edit: I know BioLive has some, but I add more