Operation: Indoor #1

Thank you. That makes sense. I just kind of trusted the feed schedule and didn’t put much thought into it until I noticed signs of trouble. Then I did think the nitrogen numbers seemed like a lot.

Can’t really do a flush, but I’ll water to runoff the next couple times and cut back on the max grow.

You guys are awesome as always


55 days into flower. Things are just moving along nicely.

Cutting back on the Max Grow as suggested seems to have done the trick. Buds are starting to fatten up… might pull this off, lol


Ahhh! Looks like I’m facing a white fly problem!
I’m in the final stretch here and they have moved in fast. I probably caused this by drying my outdoor near my grow tent. I did take precautions (bud washed the outdoor before bringing it in), however, looks like it wasn’t enough.
What are my best options? I did just spray the hell out of them with this:

But looking for anything else to help with this. Thanks in advance.
@CMichGrower @kdawg @Covertgrower @dbrn32 @Hellraiser


What is active ingredient?

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Hey @29sgordo29, I’ve never had white flies so I didn’t have anything to add, but there is a posting that has an explanation of every pest there is. One of the best postings I’ve seen. I which I knew how to link to other posts but I don’t know how. Search for:

I believe I have spider mites. Please help me.

The 6th post down will tell you what to do.

Oh look, maybe I did link to it…


Since you’re in flower, I’d go with Capt Jacks Deadbug.


It says specially selected soaps and no other pesticides added?

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Some damage seems to be done already, hoping they can recover from this…


Not sure how well it will work, I guess just read and follow instructions.

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It seems to be killing them, but they already did a bunch of damage. Looks like I might have lost the one in the back left.
They are 62 days into flower…I’m going to give them the batch of nutes I have mixed already and then do an accelerated flush and just get them out of there…hopefully still with a decent yield.
Any thoughts on this plan?
@Hellraiser @Covertgrower


I’ll look into this for the future. The stuff I posted i had on hand, so went with that


Sounds like a good plan.


As long as you’re not dumping nutrients into the medium the plan on flushing afterwards. Backwards progress, I don’t think that’s what you meant though. Lol