Thank you. That makes sense. I just kind of trusted the feed schedule and didn’t put much thought into it until I noticed signs of trouble. Then I did think the nitrogen numbers seemed like a lot.
Can’t really do a flush, but I’ll water to runoff the next couple times and cut back on the max grow.
Ahhh! Looks like I’m facing a white fly problem!
I’m in the final stretch here and they have moved in fast. I probably caused this by drying my outdoor near my grow tent. I did take precautions (bud washed the outdoor before bringing it in), however, looks like it wasn’t enough.
What are my best options? I did just spray the hell out of them with this:
Hey @29sgordo29, I’ve never had white flies so I didn’t have anything to add, but there is a posting that has an explanation of every pest there is. One of the best postings I’ve seen. I which I knew how to link to other posts but I don’t know how. Search for:
It seems to be killing them, but they already did a bunch of damage. Looks like I might have lost the one in the back left.
They are 62 days into flower…I’m going to give them the batch of nutes I have mixed already and then do an accelerated flush and just get them out of there…hopefully still with a decent yield.
Any thoughts on this plan? @Hellraiser@Covertgrower
As long as you’re not dumping nutrients into the medium the plan on flushing afterwards. Backwards progress, I don’t think that’s what you meant though. Lol