Looking tasty!!
@Low This is the 5’ tent set up all ready. I can slide the net up or down. So I should not have to cut it when I harvest. Just gently slide it up. I am going to set the 2x8 up the same. Only I will leave the scrogs I have in there as is to simplify things for me
Bro, don’t F*** with me. We running the same secondaries.
See it in the back, just waiting? Ignore the measurements
@Low I thought you had 2x2 squares or some thing. So you are saying it is hard to get these over the colas? I have a piece of the net all ready cut up. I am going to try sliding it over a cola on the DT now. Yeah. I have been using the 2x8 for a few grows. It is my 4x8 frame narrowed to 2’ That way I can keep it against a wall and get more room space. What light is that. I haven’t seen one like that before that I recall.
I just checked. It should work out good I think. Mine slide easy enough to inch the net up when the time comes. This does make me wonder how it may be if the 2 plants don’t finish at the same time I can cut the net if I need. I have enough to make a lot of top nets. If not. I will just get more of the bungee nets like I have over the DT
Looking good in there.
Is this a new grow rm? Looks nice.
Ohhh, I’m sure they will fit just fine! I don’t do the traditional scrog. Just noticed we are using the same material, that surprised me! Don’t see that net around here. I wasn’t challenging you or anything, lol. I just use the nets to control height.
@Deepsix Yep, I desided to simplify things and give me a lot more needed room. There is a new grow started too. Just no journal for it as of yet. The other 3 that will be in the new grow will be from @MattyBear and @Covertgrower
I just have to wait for @Nicky to catch up LOL We are going to do one of Matts seeds together. I went with the single tent so I had the ability to start the others later in the same room. It is cool and raining today. Finally. So I am going to get into the grow room and do the final cleaning. After that. other that a quick clean of the 2x8 tent. I will be ready to run
@Low I chose the green net after reading reviews of the white ones flaking pieces off. It looks like you will get to test yours first. I am now thinking I may put the bamboo scrog in and use the green for the top net. I like the green one since it is easy to just lift off if I don’t need it. It will be another thing to work out as I go
@Not2SureYet @Nicky
I sent the seeds today. Probably won’t get to CA until Friday or Monday because of the delayed shipping times they are experiencing
Nice Looking lady’s in there. I dropped 3 more GDP Feminize and now have them in solo cups in the tent.
Thanks @Deepsix Are you keeping the same journal? The GDP I did came out as a small plant. A nice one though This will be my next one. It will be boring for a few weeks.
When you start a journal for your new grow tag me in it.
Woot woot I’m excited thanks buddy!
I just looked @MattyBear I get them friday. I will get some re packaged and off to @Nicky saturday.
Thank you. I will make sure there are not like the other I did
I’m going to need them here soon to, with mail delays probably drop them once I get them.
I should order some more test kits I Geuss to.
Best of luck fellas, hope they grow well for you guys
Well, the DT is on it’s way down. This is the first load. I am working on the second with one more to follow. These are not my heaviest. But I think the will move the scale a little bit
This is the final plant in this grow here. I got a 5 minute coffee break I have a feeling I will be doing this till about 4 or 5pm today. The third load may get hung up for a dry trim. Or left to do tomorrow. I have the 5’ tent free to use also if I want to go that way. I hope the weekend is starting good for every one.
I think it was @Capt.Cola using the clips here. Mine still have a lot of room left in them. They will let a pretty fat stem grow.
This was her final picture before the chop
Three loads of that certainly adds up in weight! It looks great. I am not using the clips just old fashioned pipe cleaners. I have seen a few people using them. One even mentioned get the good ones because the cheap ones are sharp and can cut the plant stem.
Thanks @Capt.Cola maybe it was @neofirebird I know it was an auto grower lol These are pretty nice ones. No sharp edges on them. Boy, break time sure went fast I had to let the dog out so I took advantage of the break
Breaks always go fast but at least you could take advantage of it.