Noc's 2018 Grow Journal

Look man its for you you grow great plants with beautiful buds everyone has there ups and downs while growing trust me I sure have just gotta clean up and get the strawberry madness going and you’ll see


Hey all so I used my nebulizer this morning and feel fantastic ever sense, so the hell with it, here we go!


See that’s the growers spirit glad your back at it :seedling::seedling:


I agree with @Josh1126 , gotta get back on that horse and ride it till it collapses. We are growers that’s just what we do. And you do grow some awesome looking plants my brother.


You can’t take it way from us @Noctis420


Lmao! Thanks guys :grin: :rofl:


Hey all so Blue Dream suddenly isn’t doing well. PH was at 5.9, the air bubbler is working well. My tempatures are in the high 80s. Rh is about 52% and she got fresh nutes this morning. No yellowing anywhere just drooping severely. I can’t figure it out. I think it might be heat so I shut off all but one light, if that’s not it then maybe water temps? I didn’t get that reading. I Guess I’ll have to see how she is in the morning. Hopefully not dead.


I think your right @Noctis420 . Heat stress.


I put the Mars 600s x2 with the 720w yesterday morning. Its been cool out but now its hot again. Looks like I’m putting the x2 300w back in instead. I was running 828w in there. Thought I could get away with it but nope. The pineapple express was loving it though. I think the white widow fox tailed a bit too. Looks like I’ll have to wait for fall to run that combo. It’s been a tough summer :neutral_face: @Wishingilivedina420state


Water temp is my first thought, but not being a hydro grower, let me get you some folks I trust @Bogleg @TDubWilly what do you guys think? What are your bucket temps at @Noctis420?


Is that plant alone in the tent? And in veg still?



Check out this VPD chart.


Hey @Bogleg thanks for the chart. She is in there with two other plants and still in veg. She looks 100% better this morning. It was definitely heat stess. I put a better thermometer in there and it was reading 90 degrees. Looks like I need to get some more accurate thermometers. I’ll post a pic when lights come back on. Water temps could have risen due to increased heat @MattyBear. Just going to run with minimum lighting for now.


Now ya got me wondering, it doesn’t seem like too much light, I run 2 Mars 600’s in similar size area.

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Yeah I believe @dbrn32 said a 4x4 needs about 800w for good coverage. Especially Chinese watts.


Depends, right? I’m at over 900 ppfd and I only have 600 watts in my 4x4.

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Yeah I would say it depends on what kind of lights you have in my opinion.


Hey peeps, so here is the Blue Dream looking much better. Still getting a little heat stress(taco leaves) though so I shut down the bloom switch for now, hopefully that keeps it in the lower 80s it’s been a scorcher today. Tomorrow I’m going to be putting in a nice osculating fan so that should help hopefully. I also had to fill up the Pineapple Express Auto bucket, shes drinking like crazy. Despite the Blue Dreams troubles the Pineapple seems to be loving the heat. Also tomorrow I will be trimming and jarring up the Blue Haze, it’s just about ready, and I’ll be checking out the White Widows Autos trichomes to see were it’s at. Well that’s all for now, have a great evening everyone.

@MattyBear @Wishingilivedina420state @Josh1126 @BIGE @Screwauger @Redeyedranger @Covertgrower @Momtomask @Drillbit @Bryan


Great looking girls man and it was a scorcher today 91 here like 50% humidity and has my house at 88 degrees with no way to cool it. Hope for some cooler weather real soon


Yeah for real man. I’m trying to save money on gas, driving with windows down. By the time I got home felt like I jumped in a swimming pool :hot_face:

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