First questions is regarding temperature and humidity. I’m in flower phase, almost 3 weeks in. My temps with the doors on the tent closed are running 83 during lights on and 76 during lights off. Humidity is running 48 to 50 percent most of the time even with a decent humidifier in the tent in are these acceptable? I plan to cool it off a little soon but the humidity I’m struggling to get lower than that. Second question, I’m running fox farms nutirent line(all of their liquid nutrients). Can I add a bloom booster such as big buds powder? Thanks in advance
I understand your struggle…anything over 80 is going to stress her but I have gone as high as 85 and still had a good turn out…but I don’t recommend it…and your humidity is on the low side but is better than being on the high side
Don’t know the answer to your Bloom booster question but in general if you are in flower at least 2 weeks then it probably is time to add it…
Welcome ! The whole country is hot right now. Those numbers are not deal breakers I would roll with it. Everybody’s situation it’s a little different but I think you’ll be fine.
I was under the impression that in flower you wanted to drop the humidity to 40 percent. Is that not right? Fox farms has a nutrient you give during flowering, I was wondering if I could add a booster to it?
The correct way to add nutrients to a soil grow is to first understand the current salt content of your soil (or media). Runoff TDS and PH is the method and requires the use of digital PH and TDS meters. Once you know where you are in the root zone you can then supplement as needed.
At that point you would mix a container of nutrient solution with more P and K in it to promote flower production. Running too concentrated a solution will retard or harm your plants.
If it ain’t broke; don’t fix it.
They say growth slows down at temps above 85. I’m not sure how much it’s supposed to slow down because we have several weeks a year with temps of 85+ and the outside ladies just keep growing away!
Like you, I’d be more worried about the humidity. The problem with a wet tent during flower is the increased chance of mold and bud rot. I’d do my best to lower temps but I would concentrate more on the RH in there. Ideal for flowering would be 45% or less, so you’re not that far off there but those last few %'s can be a real PITA.
Are you venting the tent into the same room you’re drawing fresh air from? You really want to control the lung room parameters as much as possible as that will make controlling the interior of the tent easier.
I have a portable AC unit in my tent and I switch it to dehumidify mode at lights out and run the AC when the lights are on since humidity generally rises with he lights out.
You don’t need to keep the lung room icy cold or super dry, but the closer you can get it to the range you need to be inside the tent the easier it is to control it IN the tent.
You can go ahead and use the bloom booster and cut down on the nitrogen intake as they use lees of that during flowering.
As long as you follow the FF schedule you should be good. FF can be a little strong and many people will run it at half-strength with no problems. It’s easier o give a plant a little more when feeding than to try to get an excess out AFTER feeding.
Best of luck to you!!
I’ve learned that environmental control is key to flowering success. 85F is not going to stop the show as long as you have plenty of air flow, and good RH. I’m a bit concerned when I see +55% RH, because of the potential for mold and bud rot. So I run a bit dry like @ 35-45%. You are OK with those #s in my opinion. I think the challenge comes in late July and August. When you start early like we have you need to think about the harvest time when it may be hot as the holes in hell and maybe super humid as well. This is the reverse of the environment encountered by weed in the fall months. At that time I think it better to control the environment in the tent to mimic fall, with lower temps and RH.
Thanks for the advice. I’m trying to do that exact thing. I created a lung room instead of using the whole basement and put my portable ac in there and I’m able to get my temps down to the 70s. Actually I could lower the temps more if I should. What do you suggest for day temp and night temp? I just got it set up and have a small dehumidifier in the tent and a bigger one outside in the lung room so I expect the rh to drop pretty soon. Fingers crossed. The humidity 8 plants in a 4x 8 is giving off Ive learned is hard to control. They are doing really good and the colas are starting to fill out but it’s a jungle in there. Lol
At 9am we already have a heat index of 103 along the South Texas Coastline. I was never hot in Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida. I wear a fleece rain jacket if it’s below 85 to 90 degrees. My bedroom is that same temp range. It dips below that and I am snuggled in a -20 F Wiggy’s sleeping bag.
@MrPeat right on. These plants grow in all kinds of climates. After all they’re weed!
@JustGrowIN_0NE , I guess depending on strain -85’F day time and @ 70-75’F night. Just keep the air mooooving! They depend naturally on air flow cause they are wind pollinated so I believe it’s a stimulant for their reproductive parts (buds in this case).
I’m ready to see the heat wave pass get back to a little bit of normal.
Yes they do. Its pretty hard on them here outdoors. We actually have cracks 3 to 6 inches wide and they can go down past 10 to 20 feet deep. This is on pace to the Summer of Hell in 2019 when we was hitting past 135 degree heat index and the temps was hitting past 112.
I am running 85-88 with our weather right now. No issues at all. Happens every summer. Good airflow is key. Your humidity is good. Cannabis is hardy. Too cool i believe is under 65 or so…slow growth…and hot is flexable. Some strains dont care. Some might whine a bit but they adjust. I have hit 90 with the plants just trucking along. Just have to water more.
@Storm , yea that’s something that people might miss though it’s just common sense, higher temps require more water. I’m afraid some get into a rigid routine counting the precise liters per plant etc… But it’s good to recognize the variables that affect the plants growth. They communicate what they need. Last year I made the mistake of running extra lights and leaving the tent open all night in late flower while the temp went up over 90’F. All that happened is a bit of reveg. and foxtails.
My plant communicated to me,”You dumb ass”,
Ahh the days when I was a kid in Dallas and we’d search those big cracks for big snakes and mess with them @MrPeat.
Kids do stupid things for sure. The military taught both of us to grow up I’m sure @MrPeat.