New grower looking for advice, autoflower and feminized

Hello everyone,

I’m very new to growing, this is my first time at it so I need all the advice I can get. I’m growing girl scout cookies auto flower, goldleaf feminized, and blueberry CBD feminized. For the gold leaf and blueberry I’m using the grow tent with a 1000W LED light. The picture with the single plant it the girl scout cookies for that I’m just growing in a closet. Both have fans they are just not pictured. I’m using Fox Farms happy frog potting soil and for my nutrients I’m using the ILGM nutrients, however, I will need recommendations for another brand that I can get since I have 4 plants I will be needing to purchase more. Any advice is appreciated as I mentioned I really don’t know what to expect and I obviously want all 4 plants to thrive and produce some awesome buds! Thanks everybody!

Jacks 321 + unscented Epsom salt for magnesium.

The most impactful suggestion that I have is lighting. There is no such thing as a 1,000 watt light unless you go very high-end and spend over $1000 for the light. Many of these light manufacturers lie about their product’s capability. Your light is most likely a 100 to 150 watt light, which is barely enough to flower 1 plant, let alone 3 plants. Seek out quality lighting built with Samsung LM301 diodes. Minimum optimal lighting is ~200 watts per plant for the biggest buds. Good lighting should cost a little over ~$1.00 per watt. HLG, Mars Hydro, and Spider Farmer are all good option.

You will need to learn about pH and PPM by the time you start feeding the plant. FF Happy Frog has about 4 weeks of nutrients out of the bag. You will need to start feeding when the PPM of your runoff water dips below 1,000. PPM stands for Parts Per Million and it is a measure of the nutrient concentration in you soil.

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Good to know, just bought 3 of the Mars Hydra TS1000 150W. I have PH up and down and a PH tester as well. Any recommendations for nutrients?

Jacks 321 + unscented Epsom salt for magnesium.

Just looked at the light that I’m currently using, its 130W I’m an idiot I don’t know why I thought it was so high. Thanks for letting me know!

You’ll be much happier with the Mars lights. The diodes on your original light are incredibly inefficient and put out more heat than they do light (e.g most of the wattage it uses goes toward heat generation rather than light generation.)

It definitely puts out a lot of heat, thanks for the recommendation. What should I expect from the autoflower? I have heard that they grow very small and produce very minimal bud. Just wondering if you have ever experienced that if you have grown autoflower.

Autos do yield less than photos. Whatever you grow, mastering the basics (proper lighting, proper watering, management of pH and PPM,…) is the most effective way to maximize yield.

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Don’t believe everything you hear about autos.
I have found them to be quite Hardy, tough, and interesting plants to grow.

Take a look at what i put mine through this time.

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What type of lighting schedule should I have for my auto vs my feminized? Is there some kind of chart that shows a lighting schedule for every stage of the plants life cycle?