New Grower 2nd run

Run #2 in the dirt! Or actually I meant soil! New 4x4 tent wish she had more vents but brand new for $50! Yeah I know I need a new light, can’t afford the one I want right now. Any one in N.Az looking to loan out a decent light? Ahahahahaha anyways here’s the line up… autos: 2 LSD Runtz,2 white wedding cake, 1 northern light and 1 light widow. Photos: 2 huckleberry. Now I believe the are photos I got like 7 beans from a half zip and decided to germinate them… well they popped so here we go……
Once again any advice and help/wisdom is greatly appreciated. Got a link showing a vid of my new set up that is currently running my 2nd run of Autos.


Looking good there. I will mention my mistake here about those number of plant. Be careful with airflow and RH. I got mold when 4 plants blooming at the same times. But i live in hot/wet climate so it may not concern your’s

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I wish I could help. Good luck getting a response, I tried a few hours ago….crickets.

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I live in N. Az. Wrapping up monsoon season here soon which is why I’m starting now. But I’m definitely going to keep my eyes on that, 8 girls though I’m going to have my hands full. Hahahaha my first run were 4 autos in a 2x2. I had the air flow so good that thing was floating like a damn puck on an air hockey table ! Ahahahahsha Jk.


You looking for better lighting as well?
Yeah I’ve meet some “growmies” in my area from online grow groups I’ve joined. Every group preaches such strong community and support.
I’ve asked the “growmies” I’ve meet in my area to meet up come over check my set up give me advice pointers tell me I’m stupid for doing that. Blaze a few spliffs… you know some real growmie community type ish. Sheeesh one of them lives like down the road from me…. Lol. I have yet to meet up with any of them. One told me he’s not looking for any new friends. Lmao. Pretty sad but whatever’s. I’m hoping it’s just like that in my area that I’m in at this moment. :man_shrugging:
Good luck man.

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Yes grow brow, my lights are just cheap. I hope I’m going to win my fantasy football league this year and get some new lights.


Your plants are looking good. :+1:



Dude they look great! Those “cheap” lights seem to be working out pretty good. I’m pulling only 420(yes 420, not on purpose) true watts and I’ve got 6 babys sprouted so far waiting in two others to break through. So 8 girls only on 420watts. I ran 220 watts my first run in a 2x2 and fell real short of my 2 zips per plant. Ahahahaha. I got useable harvest from each plant butt I’m trying to improve hahahaha.
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Lol you savage, you’re pics didn’t upload :metal:

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Thanks brother, this is my first grow, I think I have a month to go.


optimize our gears is part of learning, I am broke and still use this shitty setup lol

it 3rd times growing, I just recently get humidifier this run :grimacing: this picture is past month


I have to ask, is that a pineapple in a pot? Profile - DevanGuy56288 - I Love Growing Marijuana Forum

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That’s awesome brother🤘

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How are you liking those planters?


Hahahaha yes that’s a lil Pineapple :pineapple:. I’m most likely going to take it out and put it in a 2x2 by herself maybe…. See how it goes I guesss. But yes!!! :pineapple::+1::joy:

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I cant say much about pot. I never grow in fabric and willing to try next run.

It call Airpot so by the name I never have overwatering issue. I mean soil will not heavily damp by over ratio of water. im not sure if keep watering cause issue here, I do water when dry since I grow other plant inside and take that knowledge not to overwatering.

Some in my country use plastic ‘basket’ as a pot. It same concept tho.


That’s awesome brother!

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Cool pineapple :pineapple:!!

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Thats pineapple express. It’s hard to get cured just right though.