Need tips for drying/curing indoors

I live in Chicago and it’s getting very warm/hot here. I have 2 plants that I have successfully grown indoors in a tent that are around two weeks from harvest.
My question is… how should I go about drying and curing the buds? I know how to do it but I’m not sure if there are some good tips for doing it indoors. I can get bins or use a closet but how do I get the humidity down? How did you guys do it that are in the same situation?
Any help is appreciated.


If drying in closet get a dehumidifier and small fan and put in there just don’t have the fan blowing on the buds . Also invest in a temperature and humidity meter for the closest

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I live in the desert so the way I do things is different from the way you should do them. When I lived in New York I would let the plants hang, after trimming, until the outside felt crispy, then I would transfer the buds to a brown paper bag and just fold the top over once. The process of curing is to oxidize the chlorophyll and the THC to CBN, chlorophyll is what causes weed to be harsh and CBN causes more of a relaxed feeling from smoking. Check the bag daily and rotate the buds, the longer the cure the better the high, you are controlling the dehydration rate with the paper bag and allowing more oxygen to get to work. Now there are some people using ozone for curing weed and that would work a lot quicker because ozone is a strong oxidizer, the added value of ozone is it will prevent any mold from growing on your drying buds.
You may wind up drying it too quickly but that’s easy to fix, just rehydrate it with a carrot wrapped in cheese cloth or better yet are the new hydration packs that are available everywhere. I use plastic shoe boxes for curing because the humidity in my house is usually around 8%.


If your not starting a new grow right away you can dry them in your tent and welcome to the community

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Hello, welcome.
Sounds like youre adjusting well to your new climate! So how did your grow do? I have heard that durban poison does well where youre at. Ive been working on trimming boxes. Check these out.

I built these out of Tennessee red cedar. They will last a lifetime, very solid, weigh 10 lbs. Will be on ebay by monday or tues. If interested. Those are real pot leaves set in epoxy Happy growing