Need some help with White Powdery Mildew

I feel for you Western NY here too just battled bud rot for the past 10 days disposing of the rotted buds started in one white widow fem and i harvested her 2 days ago and now my other 2 girls have the rot i gave up rained for 12 hours today and more predicted, three fgirls are hanging with fan on them now, 6 weeks in flower i was hoping for october harvest


Agrowlyte will clean powdery mildew off your plants, I should have been spraying with it earlier, i had to chop earlier than I wanted, but out of 10 plant’s i have 2 Big Banner and Girl Scout Cookies im finishing


Yeah that’s what I use …just don’t use the cinnamon type… I just use a cheap inexpensive mouthwash it’s blue “equate” I believe it’s called…water it down spray that on there, and white power is gone …Don’t Spray it in the daylight, spray it at dusk, you know, at the end of the day or you will severely burn your leaves