My Gummies - I did the trial and error, you reap the rewards!


I’m still struggling…. 3 batches and 3 times separating.

What temperature should I be at when mixing everything? I’ve tried adding more lecithin, more jello (6oz as you said), more gelatin.

Something is going wrong. I think it’s on, pour into the molds, 10 minutes later the oil raises to the top. I was able to salvage two batches by melting down and added more lecithin or gelatin. Modified the recipe based on that and it still separated.



This didn’t work?


I followed the original recipe above with only exception using powered sunflower lecithin the first time. The second time is used 2x’s that amount of lecithin, poured, separated. Melted it all back down added 1 more tsp and 2 more packs of bloomed gelatin and it worked.

2nd time trying i followed my changes above. Separate. Added another 1/2 pack of jello and it worked.

Tried it last night with 2 packs jello, 5 pjs gelatin, 6 tsp of lecithin, mixed my ass off. Poured, separated.

Using infused MCT oil, holding temp around 170-180deg throughout in double boiler.

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Mixed oil and lecithin brought to 170ish, mixed for 10 minutes non-stop, then continued on. After all ingredients added mixed another 10 min non-stop. Fail.

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I usually mix as I’m putting into the molds to keep everything together.
I end up pouring straight from the pan into molds and then straight into the fridge or freezer to start setting.

I haven’t honestly paid attention to the temp that I have been getting mine up to, just wait about ten minutes after it’s all melted together and gets thick thick. Recipe calls for low temp but I tend to bump it up a bit. Have seen some people bring theirs to a simmer before putting into molds.


I’m just following to learn with ya :green_heart::metal:t2::sunglasses:


I remelted the gummies down, added 1 ok unflavored bloomed gelatin with 1/4c water, added 1tbs corn syrup, heated to a simmer and mixed 10 minutes. Removed from heat, continued to mix for 5 more minutes until it started to thicken, poured into squeeze bottle, filled moulds, put in fridge for 30 minutes.

It worked.


I got an email today and thought of ya.
Google Melt-and-Make :green_heart::metal:t2:
May be an easy Avenue for ya

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When i infuse my oil it requires lecithin, my recipe requires half a teaspoon when i make gummies. Prevents hot spots. Ive remelted and added more jello to stiffen up. Big boxes work the best. Starburst. Skittles flavors and i use flavoed water also.


Bookmarked :metal:t2::green_heart:

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Thanks @Bunger64.

Yeah, I used lecithin in my oil when I made it. Which brings to question. If I used lecithin in my oil when making the oil, do I need to add more when making the gummies per the recipe?


I don’t make mine with oil… never had any problems with them. And I use a confectioner’s funnel to fill the molds… easy-peasy and zero mess


I have no clue what goes in them :joy::rofl::joy:
When I get ready I’ma be reading up your threads :+1:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:


Another note, work fast when pouring the molds. Stir stir stir then pour. But don’t stir so fast that you create bubbles.
Bubbles will come to the top of the molds and they will pull some oil to the top. Add a mold inhibitor. Every time you experiment because if you get it right you’ll want the surprise outcome to last. If you do not add a mold, inhibitor gummy’s will definitely grow fuzz very much unlike chocolates that can keep forever it seems


I do just being the recipe requires it. Read about bubbles yes usually a sign of not mixed enough possibly.


Any of you peeps ever mixed different oils to make gummies? I have infused mct and infused coconut oils. Was wondering if the lecithin would still make both oils meld with the gummy ingredients


I’ve been working with both, having issues with both, even with lecithin.

Going to get high potency distillate and try again. 1ml has 1000mg :face_with_spiral_eyes: so I wont need to worry about it separating.


That’s high potency for sure :muscle:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:

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So I used mct and coconut oil both infused to make a batch of gummies. It worked fine as of now. The oils stayed blended and the gummies have set-up…. No separation!!! No time will tell if I got everything else correct


I have to give this recommendation!! I tried thus recipe 3 times using the powdered version of Lecithin before I finally figured the mistake I was making. I purchased Fearn liquid Lecithin.You must use Liquid Lecithin do not use the powered version !! I used 3 teaspoons of the liquid Lecithin and my gummy’s were awesome!! This is tried and True!!