My first outdoor auto grow

Interesting! I’m along for the ride! Keep us posted @Jmesser80

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I have a question @Jmesser80
Why bury the bucket if you not going to leave it out also if you have holes in bucket for drainage the root will grow out of them a capillaries with be broken every time you take bucket out of ground
I’m just curious to the logic and interested in the results brother tag me as you move forward please

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Well @Countryboyjvd1971 I live in a non 420 state so I’m trying to keep my outdoor grow as stealthy as possible. I’m going to put them in my regular garden and if I just put a bucket out it would stick out like a sore thumb.
I was debating on putting them right into the ground or in buckets somewhere but couldn’t find a spot that was low key enough to just put them out in buckets. I didn’t really plan this grow out all to well it was kind of spur of the moment.
What I’m actually hoping for is to not have to remove them at all and let them stay right in the burried bucket without removing them. I figured it was worth a shot and if it fails then I’ll try something different next time👍

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@Jmesser80 10/4 brother I’m in a non friendly state as well bro lol just make sure you have pleanty of drainage sir
That’s why I have a green house to hide them hahaha
I have a pretty private piece of property but I’m also in the flight path for the sheriff departments aviation division lol we have lots of corn fields around me and they fly over looking for Gorilla grows caught a few people in the past years so I stay out of full view myself
Thanks for the explanation it makes sense to me now :+1::cowboy_hat_face::v: Hope it works out brother John


Update 2 weeks from germination.
Had to switch over to my 4’ T5 to be able to fit all 3 buckets under the light. I’m expecting a new light hanger tomorrow so I’ll add my additional T5 fixture.
All 3 plants are approximately 2" tall working on there 3rd set of true leafs.
Been lightly misting the soil when needed and spraying around the base of the plant to get water into the soil.
The amnesia haze has looked sickly ever since it popped out of the shell but has been progressively getting better and is still growing so I’m sure it will come into it nicely. (Amnesia haze is in the white bucket)

@bob31 @Countryboyjvd1971 when is the best time to start introducing my lady’s to the sun?
I’m at 2.5 weeks now. All 3 are on there 3rd node working in there 4th.
Updated pics as of today


@Hogmaster maybe you can help me answer my question about my current auto grow.
(Congrats on the ILGM volunteer status by the way, its throwing me off not seeing your hog profile pic anymore)

Anyway I’m currently growing 3 autos that will be going outdoors once old enough. They are currently working on there 4th nodes. My question being when should I start introducing them to sunlight?
I know I want to gradually introduce them so they don’t get too much at once.
Here are some pics of the plants from a few days ago

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thanks as for your autos I would let then double in size then put out doors you have to remember the sun does strange and great things but they look healthy and happy


Sounds like a plan.
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since they popped out of the soil. I’ve never grown autos so I don’t know if they are at the right size for this stage or not.
I’ve heard that they are in the seedling stage for 2 weeks and then you start counting the 4 weeks or so until they start flowering or if you start the 4 weeks right when they break through the soil. Hoping it’s the 2 week seedling stage because they wouldn’t be very big if they started to flower in another week or so.

they will love it outside

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Update @bob31 @Hogmaster @Countryboyjvd1971
Week 3.5 since they busted out of the soil.
All seems well. The amnesia base has greened up and started growing well. The blueberry and the northern lights are slightly bigger than the amnesia haze.
Have not given them any nutrients yet.
Am going to start bringing them outside to get accustomed to the sunlight.


@latewood @Hogmaster @bob31 @garrigan62 @Countryboyjvd1971
I remember a previous post about when to top / fim autoflowers but I can’t seem to find the post.
Anyway I’m at the point (I think) where I should be topping /fimming my autoflowers. My plants are working on there 5th node now (see pics in previous post)

Any advice is greatly appreciated, don’t want to do it too early and I know you can’t do it when they get a certain age.

I’d say a few more weeks doesn’t look ready quite yet to me but I kept them fairly late also because every Tryme I try doing it early I don’t end up with anything

I topped my autos about 12days from sprout
Photos I top when I have five sets of true leaves
But @garrigan62 is the man on auto topping imo

28 days from sprouting.
Decided today was the day to fim these girls. All have 5 nodes now working on there 6th (which was fimmed)
Been introducing them to sunlight the last week and will be putting them outside tomorrow.
Have not fed them anything yet will be giving them some Verm Veg tomorrow amd will water them in with 5.8 - 6.0 PH water with a little Cal-Mag and some photosynthesis plus.
Shouldn’t be long now until they start to flower.


36 days since germinating.
All seems well with my ladies.
Started giving them some nutrients. Verm Veg some cal-mag and watered in with 5.8 PH water with some photosynthesis plus.
The amnesia haze (white bucket) has already started to flower so I’m not sure how much she will yeild since she is so small.
I hooked my 600w MH light back up since the weather hasn’t been cooperating to let me put them outside.
How are the looking @bob31 @Capt_Seeweed @Smokin_ernie @Countryboyjvd1971 @Hogmaster @garrigan62 @latewood @Ron330 @Majiktoker


Looking great @Jmesser80

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You are not supposed to top/fim/stress/monster crop/stress// auto flower plants. Once you do; You start then into finishing. Growth will be found wanting.

Looking good @Jmesser80 You may be surprised on your yield! We shall see!

@Hogmaster @bob31 @Countryboyjvd1971
So I finally moved my autos outdoors last week and after only a week they have grown quite a bit.

I’ve noticed on my northern lights that the main stalk is really fat and seems hollow kind of so to speak. It isn’t actually hollow it just seems that way.
Is this a normal occurance? Almost seems like the plant stretched quite a bit and as it stretched the stem fattened up. The stem is very flexible also but it’s strange because the lower part of the stem up to the Cotyledon is woody like it normally is.
I don’t have any pics of it at the moment being nighttime probably would get a good pic of it.

The plant is healthy and all no signs of pest damage. My blueberry auto is similar but didn’t stretch as much so it isn’t as noticeable as the northern lights.

I believe they are starting to flower sonwasnt sure if it is just the normal fowering stretch it is going into. I’ve never grown autos so I’m not sure what to expect.

Any input is appreciated. I’ll try and snap a pic in the morning before I head to work.