yep, fan on!
the domes will block the bad, drying breeze, but will allow cooling.
Info on raising pH in soil:
pH in water info:
Is it true that white vinegar added to water lowers the water’s pH?
I know the water I will be using will have a pH of 9.2 after filtering.
I know I want to lower that to 6.0-6.5 in the safest way possible for my plant.
How do I do that, without spending a lot of money? If white vinegar works and is the best/cheapest way, then how many ml’s of white vinegar per Liter of water would lower my water pH to an ideal range? Thank you. Good luck growers.
If it’s of any difference plant to plant, I’…
the plants can live with less humidity, now. mist them daily, not all day, once will work.
40%-50% humidity is great. The breeze from the fan should barely move the leaves, very light, most times an oscillating fan is best if possible.
take off the domes, no direct, strong breeze, tho.
My soil’s ph,Black Gold all purpose, had a 6.5 when I planted but it’s reading 5.0.
All of my 3 and 5 gallon containers after 4 weeks now read 5.0.I’m using Miracle Gro fert at 25% strength.
Can I dissolve lime in water until it ph’s at 7-7.5 and use it every 2-3 waterings until ph comes back up to 6.5?
Would vineagear or baking soda work?
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