She started off in water for 2 days, after a tail showed I put her in dirt. It has been 3 days and I see her peeking out at me. So these two will be sister for the next few months.
Gelato Sunrise has cleared the first obstacle. She is on her way. GDP is doing great. Dang gnats! Tried the hydrogen peroxide and water combination sprain on it didn’t seem to work. So no I’m trying the neem oil to see if that works. Seems to have knocked him down but I still see some. I am going to be diligent about it and take care of these little bastards.
Been 3 days since last post. GDP is going strong but Gelato Sunrise just sits there. Hasn’t grown at all on the surface. Hopefully she is just putting down roots.
Same O, same O.
Been 2weeks since last update. Gelato Sunrise is struggling but has made a little effort in growing. GDP is kicking butt. Although the hfof dirt is still to hot to fertilize. I tried with half strength and it burned the leaves. So back to plain pH water for another week.
I just took the dome off Gelato Sunrise we will see what happens.
Gelato sunrises still growing very very very slowly! She looks itty bitty alongside her sister GDP. I hope she kicks it in gear pretty soon. GDP got her first hair cut today.
Well with advice from @Dman1969 I transplanted Gelato Sunrise to see if that would give her a boost. I also have GDP her first haircut along with topping all tops to slow the grow. Hopefully Gelato will catch up.