Moving right along

Very interesting. I was trying to grow clones inside a propagation camber wi a T5 and wrapped the walls in Al foil.

The reflective “bubble-wrap” insulating foil (used in home insulating projects) is also used as an outer wrap on the 4 (and 5) gallon containers in my tents. (left over from home insulating project.)



I hadn’t noticed until today,and I am almost ashamed of myself as I consider myself fairly observant so I’m going to utilize the oldest feeble excuse in the book…here goes…
I’ve been very busy…(true but it’s no excuse)
If you look back at the second pic I posted on post #11 and look at the leaves left and right,they have been named lefty. I have 2 plants that did this. 4 Blades not 3 not 5 but 4.Is this genetics? Stress?

Is it a bad omen,a sign of bad things to come,should they be removed?

Is it a result of the cross breeding to produce the Auto flower traits?

In more recent photos they aren’t as visible as they are now buried under new growth.(normal growth.)
But here they are anyway.

So as a new father,
I am seeking knowledgeable advice.
Also on a somewhat related note,I am having a hell of a time maintaining humidity with this ac infinity fan system.It just won’t build.I have a humidifier in there but everytime it raises the heat soars
and the fan kicks in sapping the humidity out with the heat…Whoa is me!LOL

So I have taken 2 victims and bent them over properly. Neither was so far out of the dirt that some of the leaves aren’t touching it,so should I carefully remove some dirt from beneath them or remove them.For now I tried to tuck them up. I did this to two of the ladies in the 1 gallon pots and have yet to do it to the ladies sporting 3 gallon pots . My limited powers of observation and accumulated knowledge(minimal at best) indicates that I should have done this sooner to these larger plants so the new veg has time to proliferate in the correct orientation .The larger plants are 29 days old and have not shown any of the unmentionables(reproductive thingys) yet. The smaller plant is one full week behind @22 days old. And has yet to display the same.
Also what does molasses do for the plants and how much should be put into what quantity of water?(application rate).
And yes I (after the fact) see now that I should not have transplanted the poor things to the center of the pot but offset them to one side by approx.1/3 the pots diameter to give her room to maneuver as you bend her over.
It also would have likely been a good idea to orient the plant in such a manner that the large leaves would not be pointed in the same direction as you are bending her over so as to avoid any unnecessary soil contact or at least minimize it.
I have stolen the root zone reflectix wrap trick from you and I’m guessing that is in an effort to stabilize the root zone environment,but does it not eliminate oxygen contact with the fabric pot and also retard excess moisture evaporation? Thus cutting down on the limited humidity available to a limited environment.

Do you recommend I do the same with the 3 gallon girls or should I top those two. I have read on more than one occasion not to top autos but they look a bit far along for LST or am I crazy?

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@jorkvilleyoe I don’t or should I say that I haven’t trained any plants with the method your using now. The autos I’m currently growing have all been pulled ‘down and out’ (spread open) to the edge of my containers with wire and held there with clips. I think on my next auto run I’ll be fimming 1-2 x’s after 3 nodes. I do not like a tall center cola that makes you have to pull the light up and away from the lower colas who need that light just as much lol. Good luck with your grow!! :seedling::seedling::seedling:

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have you any photos of what you’re doing and wth is FIMMING?
Ty in advance.

Search this site for Fiming

Quick answer, a technique utilizing “SQUEEZE” Apical (last grown node), instead of cutting off.

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So looking at my photos am I on the rt track or is my head too flat?
and btynfor the resource.I love to read about things.
I retain more information that way

I cant say. I have been reading and applying many new steps for training my children.
Currently, i have my stable selected, cut or training severely. Need Quality, not quantity.
Want 4-6 colas on each of 4-6 plants in the 4x4.
1/3 height of tent utilized for equipment or soils
1/3 plant heights
Leaving 24-30 inches available for cola growth?

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you’re the man ty for info.(or one of them anyway.)

@jorkvilleyoe I have Been on YouTube during my first attempt at flipping. Watching Bill Ward Weed Videos. Interesting and stopped flip so I could shape and trim, BEFORE FLIP. Did some of the biggest plants and top dressed. New digital liquid PH meter arrived. Measuring time. Flip, next week.

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