Miracid or All purpose plant food

I keep reading that the miracid acid loving plant food is the best option for those who are only able to get from Wal Mart or Depot … Would the all purpose plant food be better for the seedlings ?

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@bluethumb Good morning! Are you talking about freshly hatched seeds? If so, they need to establish a solid root system before focusing on growth of the plant. My suggestion would be to let them get a good start, let them kinda grow an inch or two tall and then fertilize. Rose food by Miracle gro would be best. Don’t add acid until you know you need it. Super Thrive is an excellent transplant aid as well as a good shock blocker. Are you indoors or outside? I only grow outdoors. Good luck and the best of growing season to you!

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Hi @bluethumb, seedlings don’t need any plant food. You want to wait until those first feeder leaves turn yellow and die. After that you can feed, though I’ve heard you can get some better nutrients from those stores.

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They are 8 days . The short 1 is about an inch and the tall one is 2’’ … They are indoor girls


They look very wet. Seedlings don’t need much water either. What kind of soil are they in?

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@bluethumb They look like they need transplanting. Why are they being propped up? Let those roots get stronger, they need to support the stems. a pinch of gypsum will strengthen them up quickly. Now I have no experience or knowledge about indoor growing so I will send out smoke signals! @raustin @Countryboyjvd1971 @garrigan62 @BIGE @Donaldj These guys know their stuff!


I just watered them . I am using regular potting soil … Being retired I dont have the money some have to spend and am on a really tight budget


They are propped up because they got stretched when I was using a low watt led light… I since changed the lighting … They were drooping this morning when I got up and had someone from here tell me to prop them up because they werent growing straight … I just cant win …

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There are lots of people on tight budgets here, so you’re not alone. Nothing wrong with that. I think you’re giving them too much water and they are starting too dampen off. Let them dry out. Also, what kind of light are you using?


@bluethumb Isn’t retirement a gas! Social Security does not mean secure, I can barely eek by! So I am in the same boat and truly understand. I have to KISS (keep it simple, stoner) and use very minimal of anything, and even if I do say so myself, I grew some damn good pot! I know I tout gypsum, however it is a wonderful source of calcium (makes strong stalks) and also Sulfur another important food. I told @mulegal about it because she had ‘willowy’ stalks and she is a believer. Her droopers turned to super stalks, almost overnight. She will get this post so maybe she can chime in.

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I am using 2 - 60w 5000k helix bulbs … I am keeping them about an inch or so above the tallest … During the day I am putting them in the window sill ( Fl. sunshine ) … Im afraid to put them outside only because the 1 time I did , they fell over. ( Its been 80 + deg. here )

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If it’s 80° outside then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put them out there. I’m not sure you’re going to be able to save these guys, they look very weak. How’s the humidity down there? You need to put these guys under a dome of some kind to get the humidity up, and no more watering.

Humidity is about 70 - 80 % … Will a gallon milk jug be ok to use ? I dont have any clear containers at the moment …

Well, it should be a clear container so the light can get through. Do you have any plastic wrap? You can rig a dome with that and some pencils.

milk jug and a freezer bag ???

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There you go, that’s perfect. Now just poke a couple of holes in it for a little air flow, and you’re set.

@raustin I have a question if you say seedlings don’t need plant food then why do people put them in all this stuff to sprout them to ‘give them the best start’? What’s different than sprouting them in soil vs all the cups tents pH’s etc? I am not being weird but I just don’t get it. And I guess my other question would be how can you tell if all that stuff makes better weed? Do you grow two of the same plant and one with and one without to compare. I’ve always wanted to ask but didn’t want to sound like I am being rude. I truly want to know.


That’s an excellent question, @highcountrygal. I am the perfect hypocrite when it comes to this because iI feed seedlings. Lol. But what I give them is just micro organisms and root booster, so it’s not really a feeding. They certainly don’t “need” it, they’ll usually grow just fine without it, but we all have our little things that we swear by and are just afraid to change because we get good results.

Even though I’m usually happy with my grows, I’m always trying to do better next time. I want that perfect bud, so I try different things each grow hoping to tweak it to perfection. I never reach it, but it’s fun to try. In answer to your question, I think it’s the reason we’re all here at this forum. We want to learn the best, and newest research that others have tried, so we don’t need to compare. We just try it and compare it to our previous grows. We all want nirvana!


@highcountrygal I think thats a great question … I was told to just use regular potting soil . Stuff that doesnt have anything added to it … Then I see guys who are growing for medical and have licenses saying they use 1/4 amount of nutes just days after they pop thru the soil … @raustin … Should I just leave them outside like this and just water twice a day , or leave them outside for a few hours then bring them in and put them back under the lights at night ???

As long as it stays warm outside, there’s no reason to bring them in, but if it gets below 60°F bring them inside. Unless you want to give them 24 hour lighting, which might help them right now. Yes, I think that might help. So, on second thought, bring them in at sundown and put them under the lights. Then put them back outside tomorrow if it’s sunny.