There were some young men working on the road (painting stripes). I put a couple of zips in a brown paper bag and tossed in on the ground out by the road at the end of the driveway.
I went over and chatted with them for a few minutes. After deciding that it was safe I told them that the bag on the ground might contain some dope.
I walked back to the house. About 20 minutes later the bag and the workers were gone. Whew! Two more zips gone. It is hard to get rid of cannabis buds.
If you let it go like that, when you reach 10 000 reply, the system will automatically create a Merlin’s Grow Log Part 2… And everyone that was following you will still be able to see your updates…
Sorry about the set backs, sending you guys positive vibes.
Ah, I didn’t start hanging around here until 2021, so that 'splains that I haven’t seen you grow Gold Leaf.
I’m doing well and recently started some physical therapy for tendon stuff. Within the past few months, my body realized it’s getting older and so let me know with various structural things. I’ve been a regular at the ortho “joint” … get it, ortho joint (dr) …
It’s all good, though, could be much worse.
I didn’t grow over the summer, and was set to drop some seeds, then we’ve had a heat wave. So, likely this week …
Good morning my friends. As mentioned a few days ago, I will start a new grow soon. I just can’t scratch that itch without dropping some seeds.
My plan had been to drive down and purchase soil (Roots Organic Original). After consideration and discussion, we decided to clean and revitalize the soil from previous grows.