Ok thanks I’m having issues with the close ups … do I put them into darkness for 24-48 after a watering ?
Honestly I don’t do any of that stuff, no flush or dark. Tried a few of the fad things over the years and it never changed anything enough to tell a difference
Those autos man. I can’t wait for my next run. Killing it for sure
They responded positively to the defoliation, kinda like a third week of flower trim of a photo does. Not sure what pissed off the cheese berry sisters the two there on the right, they’re ok now the new growth is good after some poop soup but you can see the older leaves are discolored now yellowing completely. I wanted to share a quick pic of two days after defo
Still veggin out in here they’re starting to take shape won’t be to long for the change to 12s for flower. Still hoping to hold off to start flower until after the move, but the seller is draggin ass. Found out someone vandalized the house too so prolly another setback, not my property yet so can’t do anything except wait and file extensions smh. I could go on and cry about that crap all day wouldn’t help. Here’s a couple pics from this morning
Gelato OG is the bigger lady and the purple skunk still chuggin along
I’m starting to see why not alot of people are re-veging plants lol I burned the crap out of her and it’s been just under four weeks now. So she’s still getting bread n water for now and in solitary confinement. She don’t show something soon she’ll be walking the green mile
flo is lonely
Ladies look great
Looking great! I’m so new to defoliation. I just went through and cut off every branch that wasn’t reaching for light and tied down everything else to broaden the canopy. It’s still pretty thick up top. Do you just take off all the small stuff up through the whole plant? I’m thinking that will be my next step at about three weeks flower, tho I’m scared to do anything to these for fear that will herm like their mothers…
I recommend the tutorials from Nebulahaze she has a few different ones and I would read all of them. If you Google her name and defoliation it will come up. That will get you further than a few lines I could put down here.
Thanks for the rec. I’ll take a look. You’re such a great resource!
I was really hoping for more out of the reveg. Dang it. Well now I know it ain’t worth the trouble. I say this and she will explode tonight. The autos look good and seem to be acting like autos. There is always one who acts up. I bet the poop juice will fix her. You journal looks great man.
Thanks Jake but I pulled the plug on flo last night I got to looking at the green that was there even if it took off it would only be like 1/3 of a plant that originally produced 58g. I gave her a month maybe she’ll have a seed she was next to the blue dream that made prolly 20 bananas
Bye Mrs Flo
Nice to know ya flo … yooouuurrrrrrrr out ! Can’t hurt to try right , the rest look awesome man:sunglasses:
Are you going to reveg “it”?
The first pics are flo in flower and the last is after being under a light for a month after harvest. It just doesn’t seem to be doing enough so I pulled the plug last night seemed like I was wasting time with it
Ahhhh. I must’ve missed that part. But after re-reading it… I have some autos im trying to run through and after, I want to start cloning and running a mother. Again, I will be definitely asking you for more advice(organic soil, clone, re-veg) later down the road if you don’t mind.
Good morning everyone, just another quick update. It’s time to watch the paint dry as someone described it the other day. The auto girls are doing good and starting to bud up, 57 days ago the first one popped up (WC 3rd pic) that means they’re about halfway there
Still holding the arms down on these two manifolds giving the middle nodes some light and time to fill in the blanks. Tried to increase the amount of light (to soon) and the skunk didn’t like it (bottom) she’s already smaller than her neighbor hopefully this won’t slow her to much she has a little sunburned SMH should be ready for the flip to 12s in a week or three
Man they are freaking stacking up really nice. And tent 2 is sooooooooo green. Jelly here
Killin it as usual bro Indies are lookin fine
how many plants can I get in the 2x4… 2-3? I’m thinking autos this time around got a bunch o beans
Hey @Beardy1 @Axemanjake23 just did an 8 auto grow in his 2x4. I liked it enough I was doing a version of it in my 2x4 but because of the move I didn’t replant the 4x4 so it was empty I moved em in there just because I could or they would still be in the 2x4. Here’s a link to his old journal