Making my own vape juice

Thanks everyone.

After we got out of the hospital (5days) I took him to see a movie (beautiful boy) and it was sad and nice both, I’ve been out of the house for years and years and my career caught up with me so it’s been like 13 years since I’ve seen him o n the regular and he’s lost a lot of his muscle mass in his arms and shoulders his face is skinnier he has a delay in processing and speech (parkinsons) … like @basementstealth says it’s a slap in the face to realize he’s in the twilight of his life now… anyway, heavy heavy movie ehich i like, great slap in the face message whoch i like, my dad really showed me he cant see well amymore (had to fuide him into his movie seat), cant walk well (had to take steps super slow, constantly slow my pace so i didnt lead him and make him think he was walking slow) and it was heartbreaking and made my eyes water one second when im siting in my dark movie seat with my arms outreached trying to guide him in the dark to where the seat was and keep my arms behind him as he slowly puts his weight into the seat, but then i reached over and rubbed his hair with my hand like a little kid and we both laughed. Oh man, its hard knowing his time is near, his arms were towers and he taught me how to fix stuff for a living. Invincible becomes fragile. Very hard. I’m now very focused to finish this remodel and sell and move in with him for a while to catch up and enjoy some times while we can. Hopefully get one more motorcycle ride or skydive in together. We are quite the team.

Thank God for cannabis. And that it’s becoming legal. And Thank God for magic mushrooms too, they help in times like these. Johns Hopkins has already petitioned the US govt to move psilocybin from schedule 1 to schedule 4, thats a very specific, very huge bold move and theyve only been studying thrm for a year or two. Im proud to say i contributed a detailed essay to them, as did dozens of amateur mycologists i know. Im so envigorated that our world is being taken over hy the next generation and the effects are obvious. Wash this Nixon residue away and maybe the next generations will habe psilocybin therapy available wirh real therapists here in the US…

I digress…

@Zsitchin I would be very interested in your hard candy, peanut butter knot, and your sens. Oil! I love tinkering and haven’t tried any of those!

I’m not sure if you or anyone are into pain salves but I have a pretty comprehensive thread on what I’ve learned from tinkering with those :

I make cannacoconut oil or canna clarified butter (less efficient in the extraction but much better flavor) with trim and divvy up into 1 tbsp portions in ice cube tray to cool or bake anything under the sun, but so far I’m not that big on it.

I think next experiment will be in the hash / concentrate dept.

So… took both the extraction i had going and boiled them down in a pot of water. I found the sweet spot to be where the pot of water wasn’t even bubbling - not even a simmer - yet the everclear in the mason jar was simmering good, not a boil a soft rolling simmer very obvious and soft. I maintained this for probably an hour or two, stirring every five or ten minutes. I used a lot of everclear even splashed some more in there during the process as this is a heat assisted extraction I was doing (ground decarbed herb + everclear in mason jar) and when it was getting low on volume after adding some more alcohol one time, I removed from heat, strained but through cheesecloth and potato ricer to squeeze every drop out, and returned the clean liquid back to boiling pot.

30 more minutes or so until the simmering action in mason jar stopped. I smelled it and still smelled a bit of alcohol so I cranked up heat more, got pot of water to a good boil and noticed the mason jar got to a soft simmer again.

Maintained another 5 minutes or do and that simmer inside mason jar stopped. Removed from heat. Dabbed some on a straw and held to flames no flare up.

Both of my extraction jars totalled around 20grams decarbed bud (will double check probably and edit if nec) and that reduced to around 15mL liquid. I then added 28mL (one whole 1oz dropper bottles worth) of VG to it, note this VG is from the original failed extractions, so there’s some black widow in those 28mL already, dunno how much. and now i have a loaded Rubi pod and an overfull and spilling 1oz dropper bottle (which fits rubi pod hole exactly as well, how neat)

Mixed feelings so far - I really need to borrow someone’s rig to see - the rubi I find that I have a hard time drawing enough air through with this thicker vape juice - the earlier batch was runnier and I had less resistance to me sucking through the hole - I’m getting a headache and small hits - but my ears were ringing and I had to put the vape pen down for a minute too, so I don’t know what’s going on yet… I need a few days to toke… maybe thin it down with a little more VG…

@MT3 any issues with your Rubi? Hard to draw? My battery goes down quick does yours? I think this juice will be one hitter quitter if I had a powerful adjustable rig