Lukemia and Natural Fungal Treatments

Have a sick family member with fungal infection looking for natural remedies , docs pills are too slow. thought I would throw it out here any advise welcome… :heart: @kaptain3d leukemia 70’s age group…edit


For natural remedies, I would would ask @Caligurl and @AfgVet. :nerd_face:

Sending you good vibes on this journey :peace_symbol: :love_you_gesture:


TY new to me …don’t know chit bout this. He’s my uncle … dad’s sisters hubby . Strong horse wrangler Iowan . Ready to fight just not working what they are doing. Thanks for the tags @kaptain3d


Need a tad more info :person_shrugging:t2:
Fungal infection on his feet, like athletes feet? In the :eye:. We need a little more info buddy :green_heart::metal:t2:


I believe it’s his nose and maybe lungs my aunt , Dads sister,
Is older and this is like a 2 year journey for her with his illness . The fungal thing/part was missed apparently…had to move between states mid treatment so, maybe a gap in care … Don’t know. :anguished:
He has leukemia …apparently fungal infections are common with the therapy , they didn’t know that or they may have been more cautious , and maybe asked their doc about anti - fungal (prophylactic therapy)
Well he he is infected now with unknown fungus as above , uncertain pathology. @StonedCold13

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Any help will not be liable for what it’s worth! There. :heart:

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Sorry to hear this buddy.
I won’t be of much help but now we have the info up that others may come along and be able to offer correct help.
When I’m in doubt I turn to Paul Stamets :green_heart::metal:t2:


Will check it out now. TY.

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OK not the topic I’m talking about bro… @StonedCold13 …what the???

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Not the trippy mush, just read up and see if he speaks of fungal infections and a treatment for it :person_shrugging:t2:

Start here…

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I would shroom out, but not an option for him Iowa… nah. :wink:

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I did but didn’t see anything pertaining to. I’ll check it again later .ty
I ty for the link!

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Once the in laws leave I’ll dig a little :+1:t2:
Good luck buddy, I wouldn’t purposely lead ya wrong :wink::green_heart::metal:t2:


I just quick checked Him

and came up instant shroom …I’m trying to go race rt now so maybe I missed everything… ;>lol

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thanks …send them to him…;> I’m good for now… ;>

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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I am no doctor, but I do not think cannabis is particularly helpful for either. Most fungal infections of the body are no joke and can be fatal, take years to cure, and require strong antifungal medicines that can make you feel sick.

Leukemia is blood cancer that requires strong radiation to “nuke” your bone marrow. Then resetting it with bone marrow transplants. Some stages of treatment you do not want to use steroids (antiinflamitory drugs) and cannabis is exactly that. In fact during some stages this could be the opposite of helpful reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

I know just enough to be dangerous. And I love the medical uses of cannabis. Please :pray: make sure to RUN this by his primary doctor before giving him any cannabis.

Needless to say it must be clean and free of any molds or mildews or you may just make his body worse. If the doc is cool w it, I would find some strong rick Simpson oil or strong alcohol Cana extract to make him feel better by make his body very relaxed. This would be more for his comfort than curative. I have never heard of cannabis for treating fungal infections. And the timing of leukemia treatment is super important to not make his treatment impotent.


Crazy how much of my life finds others fighting the same or similar battles.

For the past six weeks I have been battling staph and fungal infections. I did hours / days of research. My conclusion is, cannabis has natural anti-fungal properties. However, they interfere with any anti-fungal medication. My symptoms continued to worsen until I quit cannabis. Now they are slooooowly going away. Research is limited so the results are somewhat inconclusive without further studies.

Yeah… went to the lake an picked up staph folliculitis. The treatment kills off everything which allowed bad fungus to colonize my body. Now I’m bathing three times a day in Hibiclens and once a day with Selsun blue, which I have to let sit for 10 min. This is in addition to oral antibiotics & antifungal along with topical prescriptions for both as well.

Doc says I need to wait at least 30 days after the last visible symptom before I do anything that will cause me to sweat.

If that’s not enough I broke my leg about three weeks in. Not feeling to lucky these days.

Bottom line… I would not use any cannabis while fighting any infections. There’s just not enough data out there. For me there was an obvious “turn the corner” moment within 24 hours after stopping my usage.


I second all you’ve said, and just want to mention… absolutely tell the doc if you’re using.


These are just a few articles I found during my research. So, Sativa with a high CBD content? Don’t smoke but use a clean tincture or edibles.

Also, stay away from processed food and anything containing yeat (like breads).


Thank you @noddykitty1 for your well thought insight. Everything you’ve said is what I was fearing and figured might be the case …VERY complicated situation . I’m wondering if any other herbs might benefit. TY again! :heart:

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