Lucys life cyle

Luck to you… :beers:


Thank you!!

I ended up using a fungicide i had a bit left over, just enough for the whole plant. Its gona rain most of the morning tomorrow so i think ima just give her some shelter and reevaluate if i should chop or not when the rain stops :metal:


I second that notion!!!
@Highgrow hope you can make the best out of that crappy situation. My fingers are crossed and Good Vibes are headed your way!!!


Thanks boss man! Ima get it right one day :joy::joy:

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From where you started to where you are now… I would say you doing just fine my friend just fine!!!

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Ehhh not where i should be imo but i try lol. Appreciate the positive vibez tho :metal::metal:

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We are our worst critics and that’s why you’re going to be good at this!! Never accept your best as your best :wink:

You are welcome I don’t mind telling the truth


The struggle is real!! Havent found but a few small rotted spots on a few different tips. Thinking everything else i have found after the first go is just spots i over looked vs it spreading. I hope atleast. Not really seeing many aka hardly any white hairs left(mostly on the small lower buds) . Mostly see red hairs everywhere lol. Cant decide on chop or not. Might flip a coin :joy::joy: thoughts?


Ohhhh gah dangit… i spy with my little eye a couple rot spots i missed! :cry::cry::cry::cry:

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I’m out of likes for the plant up top but big guys got ya :wink:. That sucks about more bud rot. It’s hard to tell if it’s chop chop time without looking close at the trichromes

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I dropped my microscope down my steps last week and it broke completely lol gotta order a new one.

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I remember reading that and that sucks!! What I used to do before I got a microscope was pick a bud off let it dry and boyah it in a bowl… Test that thing out :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face: and see if you get contact for take off.


I actually have 3 small bud pieces that would fill my bowl nice… hmmmmm brb :joy::joy:



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Lmao. Its meh. Little rough hit but honestly kinda tastes and hits like most of my previous dried harvests. Idk man might just risk it all and give it a few more days to see if the fatten up anymore


Broke off a new piece today that was already barely hanging on to the branch lol. Gona try it out in a few days. Outside girl got a good spray with a fungicide again tonight. Just gona keep a good eye on it the next couple days. Im sure ima harvest within the week.

Also gona get some updates on the girls inside within the next couple hours. Just gotta feed them and touch up on some training. Till then :v::v:


So all the inside girls got a good watering today. I did buy a few gallons of distilled water since i have been having ph issues with my last 2 runs. And a new ph pen. Boyy these numbers suck :joy::joy:
They all are gona get a good feed once i get the ph issue under control.

Gona top each ends on these probably by the end of next week. Wanting them to hit the edge of the bag first lol which they are close.
Bag seed 1
Ph in 6.5… ph out 5.8
Ppms 680

Bag seed 2
Ph in 6.5… ph out 6.0

Banner clone that got transplanted to 5gallon.she was thirsty. Had to get the 3 girls in 5gallons on the same watering schedule so she went without for almost 2 extra days :sweat_smile:
7ph in… 5.7 ph out
987 ppm

And ima call this one momma banner lol. Boyh banners are showing a bit of different growth than im used too. Thought they were flowering for awhile but they also have been vegging for a couple months now.
7ph in… 6.5 out
328 ppm

Group shot.

Also thinking of just flipping them all at the same time in maybe a month. Not suree might just keep the momma clone where shes at in the 1gal. Just needed probably chop her down some. :metal::metal:


So the outside girl is getting chopped today. Supposed to get 2 more full rainy days this week and i just dont wana risk loosing everything vs saving what i can.

Any thoughts on if i should trim first, then do a bud wash? Im thinking trimming first, which will make getting all the affect spots out easier? Or would it even matter? Thoughts :thinking::thinking:

Still getting the tent ready and set up for drying so i got some time to b4 i do the actual chopping


I trim just after cutting for that reason if its outdoors ya get to see all buds and inspect before drying!


Thats what i was thinking! Definitely dont want to be smoking on rotted buds :nauseated_face: