Looking good in there
They are getting a move on, looking awesome.
Never count them out until they are brown and laying on the dirt…
Moving on up looking good grow sis:+1:
The fruity got a case of the droops today, gods gift of reaching for the heaven’s and NL just taking off and being a cutie
My son got the RSV, been rough the past few days, now grandma taking over but now…guess who probably caught it…you guessed it me.
Just took NyQuil and going to bed.
Neurologist appointment tomorrow afternoon.
Have a good night everyone.
Thoughts and prayers my friend rest well and best of luck with the appointment
Night and hope all goes well
Plants looking good hope you feel better soon
Feel better!
Dang gurl. Get to feeling better. Plants looking good.
Neurologist Update
The fluid filled cyst is nothing of concern, it’s not in a dangerous area and the headaches aren’t originating in the back where it is located. So, I get to try more medicine and see him again in two months.
I would suggest a (really good) chiropractor for the headaches that you speak of…
Most fiscal problems stem from spinal un-alignment and most of us dont realize just how bad of problems it will cause…
Really glad to hear that its not life threatening…
(Party on garth)
Planties or lookin happy as well…
Have you tried a chiropractor? Also, of course they want you on more “medicine”. So they can get you on even more to fix the issues caused by the others. They are called practitioners after all, they practice giving people big pharma drugs.
Haha, i replied from email without reading the thread. Great minds think alike they say
Well at least that concern is gone. I went on a carnivore diet and I lost weight but also had lots of other issues clear up. Our grocery stores are poisoning us. Eat from the outside of the store. There are tons of autoimmune issues that are connected to processed foods.
Chiro’s are great so is a good massuse!