@ADK_Guerrila those ladies are looking nice!
Even with leaf septoria pretty heavy on some of them they seem to be fattening up pretty well, found a few more small spots of bud rot today so removed them off of honey cream
Some nice fat buds can be a bad thing with high humidity. That sucks man. You need to get some mold resistant strains, trainwreck from hsc or twenty 20. Bullet proof in the northern cali fog even. They got a few others too.
Got a purple trainwreck going now outside. Not sure of origins. Hope enough of that mold resistance carries over tho in this one.
I’ve got a bit of wpm showing up on some of the others.
Probably will, it normally dominates the gean pool on crosses.
Those ladies are getting phat! Nice bud structure on em.
Thank you @W.B.elpaso much appreciated
PTw a lil hungry but filling in nicely.
AOC Candy Dropz buds colouring up.
We’ve got 2 in of rain coming tomorrow with high winds expected as well.
Been putting the hurricane ties on them last couple days. Lol.
Happy Fryday folks. Stay safe.
@W.B.elpaso ill have to get a list from you before my next seed purchase for the mold resistant strains, not sure how to kill the leaf septoria spores, I know they live in the soil for up to 2 years but I’m sure there is a soil drench to kill them, I’d just have to rebuild my microbiology again and re-amend. I’ve never heard of anyone trying to sterilize for leaf septoria. Even though it doesn’t affect the bud sites I’m sure it still hurts the plant
Big mommas, thats the craziest stock i think ive ever seen.
Oh She"s a big girl!!
Nice job!
Wow @FoggyHollar those are some nice looking plants
Out freaking standing
Looking @Vasco315
Im loaded with Bud’s this year Pretty Impressed by the Santa Muerte plant the Bud’s are very slow forming and are predicted to finish mid October still very few yellow fan leaves the smell is a strange medicine Fruity type smell reminds me of a prescription liquid cold medicine that my mother gave me