Lattitudes' 2nd "Shot In The Dark"

I am far from an expert, but I think you have a very nice looking garden.


They look good. These do ok on the 12/12. It does seem like it drags their flower time out a little longer in the end.


Looking great, for sure! Is the “Mama Kush” doing okay with temps? It looks great but I see some canoeing on the large fan leaves. Other than that, keep up the great work!

Continued success.

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Yea, they both seem to handle the temps nicely. I’ve kept it rather steady at 82F and @ 46% humidity…

I think the fan leaves got a bit too close to the light… The light unit I have (BP3000) is a bit large for the size of my tent and I forgot to raise it a few notches before leaving town for a few days. LoL!.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Howdy guys (and gals)!.. I hope everyone is doing well… :sunglasses:

Here’s an update on my gals… AND I need some advice from you experts with a few questions at the tail-end of my post…

… In general, I think they are doing well…

Gelato Autoflower at 9 1/2 weeks (68 days to be exact)
OG Kush Autoflower at 8 1/2 weeks (61 days to be exact)

My “Bonzai Gelato” (due to small size. Only 16 inches tall) hasn’t grown in height, but is just becoming as dense as a brick and getting more dense with each day!.. She truly amazes me!

… But my “Mama Kush” has me worried… She was a late-flowerer, and now appears stressed. Looks like burnt leaves/tips… She’s definitely several weeks behind my Gelato even though germinated together… Yea, I had to wrangle her around a bit when I put the leash on her and twisted/pushed the leaves, so I’m not sure if that’s what I’m seeing because the damage seems to go further to the bottom leaves as well…

… I’m sure that I “stressed” her by bending/squishing/forcing her into the bracket… I also know that the light I’m using is stronger than recommended for my tent size…

But I also can’t water regularly…

… My new job has me on the road for 4 days at a time. I water heavily before leaving and hope for the best when I get home. Is a water globe a possible alternative if hydration is the issue since it’s just one plant? Are the “dead” leaves and tips acceptable given the circumstances?.. I’m looking for advice and “words of wisdom” from folks like @PP3121 @MeEasy @Mark0427 @Nicky and everyone else… You all are the experts where I have zero clue… Should I be worried?.. Suggestions?..

Cheers!.. :beers:


Considering your situation it’s acceptable, another 2 weeks or so and you’ll be harvested so I wouldn’t worry both will make it.

If your able to I strongly suggest getting an autopot setup, go for the spring pot system and just buy a 2 pot system.
I bought a larg reservoir and can leave my plants for 8 days as it is gravity feed watering. Also it will increase your plant size.

Search in the search bar for my
Autopot guide.

As for the water globes, I thought about them never used one, you could try one. Some even have adaptors to 2L pop bottles but they keep the soil soaked Wich is not the best as well so your sorta fighting a loosing battle.
Those clay pots are a killer they suck up mosture and don’t let the plants breath. Next time don’t use those use the spring pots or at the very least buy cloth pots


They do have this u could try

I’ve had good luck with this one. Saved my butt during an extended vacation. I ran 3 of the irrigation spikes to a 5 gallon bag.

RAINPOINT WiFi Automatic Watering System, Indoor Intelligent APP Automatic Watering System, Indoor Plant Watering and Irrigation System

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As mentioned above, you are on the home stretch. Try to use the dates loosely as each plant will develop at her own rate. A couple of weeks on the Gelato, and several more for the Kush. May think of trimming the dead leaves. Not sure what others would recommend.

As far as watering systems, never used them. I did make a gravity feeder for a long weekend trip with a 2L bottle and some very small holes in the cap to allow the water to drip out slowly. Didn’t work well. After a test, all the water leaked out much faster than I expected.

For all your hardships and challenges, you are definitely going to enjoy nice bud!

Continued success.

Thanx for the suggestions, guys!.. I’m gonna have a bit of “separation anxiety” being away from the gals this long… We’ll see how they handled it… :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Howdy guys!.. Well, my gals survived (and maybe even thrived) while I was gone for 4 days… Good thing, because it’s gonna happen at least 2 more times before these gals go to harvest… :upside_down_face:

… Here’s a photo from earlier today:
Gelato Auto (Left): Almost 11 weeks (76 days)
OG Kush Auto (Right): Almost 10 weeks (69 days)

… But I did have an unfortunate incident. More on that later in this post…
… I also need some advice from the professionals!.. :sunglasses:

My little “Banzai Gelato” Auto is just a fireplug!.. Only 16 inches tall and hasn’t stretched at all for well over a month. But she is growing more dense each day and is thick as a brick!..

She flowered super early, so I’m thinking pure water and zero nutes for the next 2 weeks then bring her down at week 13…

… With these pics what do you guys think???..

My “Mama Kush” is somewhat behind the Gelato in development/flowering. I’m thinking of keeping her on the nutes for another 2 weeks and then re-evaluating her timeframe as to when to go pure water then harvest.

… With these pics what do you guys think???..

… So… As I said, I had a bit of an incident… I had to remove the leash on “Mama Kush” so as to trim the dead leaves. Somewhere in the process, I lost 2 of her periphery colas and associated popcorn buds due to my poor actions while handling…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

… As ticked-off at myself as I was, I figured to make the most of it… I trimmed the buds and figure I’ll play with my curing technique to see how the sub-par not-developed bud cures… It’s only 11 grams wet, so we really are talking a micro mini-cure…

… Is it worth it to do so?.. I mean, I don’t have anything to lose, so why not?.. Or should I just trash it?

… Cheers!.. :beers:


Your plants are looking quite pretty. No bud is trash unless it has mold. Find a a way to enjoy it!


Hi guys!.. :beer:

Well, this is the last pic with the gals together…

Gelato Auto at 90 days (L)
OG Kush Auto at 83 days (R)


… Now “Mama Kush” has the tent all to herself for the final few weeks before she suffers the same fate depicted below. LoL!

Unfortunately, you can see some dead leaves on both, which is due to some work trips taking me away for 4 days at a time so watering became an issue I think.

… But the big development is that I harvested my “Banzai Gelato” today just short of 13 weeks (90 days)!..

For a plant that was just 16 inches tall, I think she really produced… Weighed-in at 469 grams wet. Now sure, a lot will go with the final trimming as well as just drying, but not too bad for one small autoflower plant I think… Opinions?



Gonna hang dry for a week or so, then transfer to jars so as to burp/cure for several weeks…


Right now the temps are at 75 but the humidity is at 50%+ due to the sweltering local weather, so I’ll be setting-up a dehumidifier tomorrow in the small bathroom space where it’s drying…

Today is Wednesday and I’d like to jar it on Tuesday next week before another work trip… Or should I wait and push it to closer to 2 weeks before jarring?..

Opinions from the experts please?..

Cheers everyone!.. :sunglasses:


If I could grow little pigs like that too. I would love it. You could fill a tent and do better than if you have a few large plants. She looks great. :grin: You are probably looking at a solid 4oz from her too. Congrats on a great job :+1:


Thanks. She really did shock me. Started flowering before 3 weeks and just bulked-up. Ha!..

… I figure I got a few more weeks on the OG Kush before she goes to harvest, then start looking at grow #3… LoL!.. :upside_down_face:

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I want about a dozen of those then. For a 3 week veg that is awesome. That is great. That would cut out close to a month of veg for me. My Gelato was taller lol This was only week 13 of mine :roll_eyes:

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That is one gorgeous plant!!!.. Congrats!.. And looks like a great set-up. I’m workin’ with a 2’x2’ so space is at a premium. Ha!..

… As a newbie, I’ve been trying different strains and playing with the soil mix… I’ll be starting a “Labor Day” grow with Girl Scout Cookies, Gold Leaf, and Granddaddy Purple… Should be interesting!.. :rofl:

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Thanks. Before you rush into a GL. If you are thinking to do all 3 in the 2x2. Have @Myfriendis410 show you what is 30"x30" plant looked like. It is not a small one :grin:


Yea!.. Good point!.. But I do have a bad habit of trimming an awful lot, which may be why my Gelato was so small… I had a WW, a Zkittlez, and a GG in that tent for my 1st grow (just the Gelato and OG Kush on this attempt) and it was entertaining to say the least…

Cramped? Yes… High maintenance? Yes… Fun? Yes… :rofl:

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Well guys, my little Banzai Gelato Auto has made it to the jars for 5-6 weeks of curing… I really don’t know if it matters, but I wanted some space so as to shake 'em and stir them up a bit when burping, so I used a few jars…


… My “Mama Kush” is doing well, and will probably be coming down in about 2 weeks or so… It was past her bedtime so I didn’t get a recent pic, so more pics to follow next week when I get back from work. LoL!.. :sunglasses: