Those sauce weren’t really tasty. I was expecting some nice flavors, @AfgVet spoiled me with her creations.
Fun game to play though… My son (19) has a whole new respect for his old man now
Ive gotten the hot sauce gift boxes a couple times for christmas, the ones walmart always has out in the gift aisle. I never found one that tasted good in those either
Well I guess my uncle was right about adding actual pot ash to the soil when transplanting he transplanted 3 from the neglected closet on the 20th into recycled soil with 3 tablespoons of Dr earth just like the others minus the
pot ash
Top 2 on the right
Is this like bio char or bro I mean unk science
Ps he wouldn’t let chop the roots he fingered the dirt & roots loose at bottom part of the big gulp
And stretched them across the pot a back filled and kept fingering the roots loose as he backed filled
So don’t forget to finger those roots his words kapt