Amazon has AC Infinity lights on sale at the moment. Pretty nice discounts.
I just snagged a refurb UVA 30 off HLG Black Friday sale. May need to go check out the Zon.
I had been looking at getting an EVO6 and they were 569.00 and I bought one for
$455.00 Arrived yesterday although I still haven’t unboxed it. It’s amazing you mention the UVA30. I went on amazon to get some led’s for my Ac infinity humidity dome. Well I didn’t look close enough and guess what. I ended up with a set of UVA30’s. I was going to send them back and then just decided to keep them. From what I have read they should be used for three weeks for two hours a day at the end of flowering. Instead of ordering the led’s for the humidity dome I just ordered the another one with lights like I should have in the first place.The best I can tell everything ACI makes is on sale on amazon. I also bought some of the glasses to block the harmful light. I am going to TRY to post some pictures of the stuff but mainly the glasses. The care in packing, the thought in design and the over all attention to detail of this company is astounding. These classes that I payed 20.00 for on sale points it out. By the way I have absolutely nothing to do with ACI other than a lot of my money has went to live with them. Maybe we can post here what the UVA lights do if anything. Take care.