Purple Haze order #207655
I don’t put mine in to vote I’m not worthy lol
Yeah @Hogmaster right I call B.S. on the not worthy . I have seen those grows and they are top shelf
Thanks buddy
That’s impressive. Well done.
Well dang guy’s I have it narrowed down to 4 . I normally have a theory of not the biggest but the tastiest looking with some size but mostly I look for the bud that if I could have one fat bowl of I would pick it . This month is providing issues in the process great looking entries
can we put in an entry today or was last night the cut off?
Entrys are over You made it in time I will get a poll up by the end of the day looks great everyone think about you votes
Maybe because its not fair? Hahahaha
The best!!!
- Greenjewels
- Dieselgrower
- Mickys
- Beginner2nd
- Gonnatry2
- Themaddabber
- Carpy
- Silenthippie
- Jrook
- Sparky66
- Blazinskywalker
- Maxheadroom
- Kushingupdaisies
- Horafied
- Happypappy
- Newb1
- Seeddog
- Greenthunder
- Bogleg
- Holmes
0 voters
- Voodoo
- Greenlantern
- Hornhead
0 voters
Had a mix up everyone will need to recast there vote I apologize my mistake hope this is not a huge inconvenience for everyone please vote above Please do not post below this until after voting is over
What strain?
That is ILGM GDP