It's alive, it's alive

Yes, exactly what @anon95385719 said, lower the lights. As far as topping or fimming, most people will wait till the 5th node.


Hi Zep - I would transplant those stretchy girls like you did the other two. Bury those stems and give them a little time to adjust and grow before topping or fimming. :+1:t3:

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@Zepman55, Those are wonderful, speaking from a person that’s never grown any… At least your seeds came up and your growing. That’s a start. Great job!

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This morning I Transplanted the two young ladies that are developing the best. The other two ladies are a little stunted and I think I know why. I put those two outside for two days and it got a little cold so I put them back with their sisters. So they may be a bit confused. One has some yellowing on the leaves

Ph is 7.0 slightly high but should be ok I think.
@Countryboyjvd1971 @raustin @Momtomask

Here are the other girls

This little lady is a ham, she leans towards the camera


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This is the big sister she sticks up for the others. All are about 8" from top of plant to bottom of light.


No, 7.0 Ph is not ok. Lol! That’s why she’s yellowing. Get her Ph in check now before it gets really bad.


@raustin I ran about 1/3 gallon of 3.0 ph water through, should that bring it down enough?

Yes, that should most definitely help. Did you get any runoff?

Yes but did not think to capture some

Lol, ok, I’m sure it’s much better now.

Running 3.0 ph water through your roots will most definitely shock the shit out of her.
When adjusting ph it is better to do it in small increments.
NEVER water outside of the ph range.
If it’s high like 7 water with 6.3 to lower the root zone to 6.5

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Good morning guys and gals, I have never phd my water, don’t even have a ph meter. I’ve always used rainwater to water my seedling,clones and adult plants and have never had any problems, growing organically for years now, would phd water improve my grow ?

Short answer is yes
The plants can take up nutrition a lot easier when the ph is right

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I had a cheap yellow ph meter at one time, but my dog chewed it to pieces. I got it to monitor the ph on my pond, Gona have to get one. Thanks @Nug-bug, most of my indoor grow are aquaponics but I also have a few plants outdoors ,gorilla grows, I’m Gona start ph’ing there water.

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No problem @Mrcrabs
Imho ph is one of each BIG 3
#1 PH


I agree, just was concerned by ph’ing my water would it kill any benifcal bacteria, fungi, and microbes that live at the root zone? @Nug-bug

@Nug-bug is right, you really shouldn’t Ph you’re water that extreme low or high. Next time try doing it more slowly.

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Now on that sir I’ll be honest and say idk.
However I wouldn’t think it would be too harmful because the plant can’t eat without those microbes. Therefore if it were harmful the masters wouldn’t ph their nutes.
At least that’s where my heads at.
Of course I just took a rso laced bong rip
:money_mouth_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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