That plastic is protecting the screen from spider feet, good Sir!!
Where do you live that you have a spider that damn big?
Thats a wolf spider im pretty sure. They are a common spider here in Southeast Ohio! You see them alot in barns and old sheds.
Good old wood spider right there.
I used to have a wolf spider as a pet. I thought it was a big tarantula when I fist found it. It was as big as my hand at the time, was 13. Ive had a bunch of tarantulas as pets over the years. Wolf spiders are good to have around for pest control. I see them in my house every once in awhile, but not that big. I leave them alone or shoo them along.
This one is my guard buddy!! Thats why he has got so big, we have all agreed to not kill the spiders we find unless they are tiny and red.
I only kill Black Widows and millipedes I get some of those suckers 6in long.
I had a damn nightmare about that thing. I’m terrified of spiders. He would have been gone a LONG time ago.
Sorry about the nightmare
Honestly, its hard to maintain a bug free environment in their cellar setup, so some bugs are welcomed. Lady bugs are welcome aswell!
It’s all good. Yeah I know. I’m being a dramatic woman don’t mind me