Well if this gelato sunriser is going to be a contender anywhere it better start growing more than 2 in from the dirt. This is the slowest growing plant I have had so far.
Next to her sister GDP she is a dwarf.
Well if this gelato sunriser is going to be a contender anywhere it better start growing more than 2 in from the dirt. This is the slowest growing plant I have had so far.
Beautiful bud hope it smokes as good as it looks !
Ibt happens sometimes. I try re-potting it, sometimes they will snap out of it.
I thought about that but was worried I would kill it.
There very hard to kill and you can cut half the roots off and she will still come around. Keep on keepin on Brother!
I used to be paranoid I would damage the roots. But after it gets some roots going no worries. Actually breaking the root ball loose is a good thing. You just gotta let her get established. Usually about 3 weeks and you can do just about anything. The seedling stage is the hardest part. But you got this Brother. Keep on keepin on.
And if it’s rootbound you could literally cut half the roots off. @kaptain3d is a master torturer and he does it with extremely good results.
Thank you for your kind words @Dman1969 my friend. I’m far from a master, but I do have a lot of fun and most of my planties survive my “gentle” loving touch!