I see great big hedgehogs in your near future Brother!!
Boy I hope so
Started Day 1 this eve
I could see pistils forming in the pic you posted lookin good
Yo @Bigb2 ck this
Ole Kap Twisted my brain cell and made me do stuff
Another thread to watch. Fun! Thanks for the tag!
Yeah buddy
Thanks for spreading that limited
Hey, ho… I didn’t do nothing!
HOd up now KappinSave-a-ho
You most certainly did
I never look it @kaptain3d like that LOL it’s more like punish-a-ho… He be looking at them things like no matter what time it is plant better have my bud
@DoneDeal That’s so friggin true Brother!!!
He is definitely the HempPimp!!!
He is a Canuck of Many Colors
@Blackmoon hey buddy, here is my current Darwin’s Choice
Awesome thanks @StonedCold13
Ill follow along
Yeah buddy thought you might be interested in this one
Out of all the seeds ive dropped this spring its @Fieldofdreams Darwins choice that wins the race for germation strike rate
Looking good @StonedCold13
Happy CannaVersary @Blackmoon !! Super stoked to hear DC is doing well for you, hope they turn out as nice for you as they are for Stoner here lol!! Whut up B-Rad!!
Happy Cannaversary My Brother