Huge problem yellow spots on leaves!

Ah thanks for the detailed response. I’m going to tag u in my grow journal if u don’t mind… @Slatter21 is having similar issues if your scroll way up, his looks similar to how mine started.

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Tbh, @OlyBoy98503 I’m not seeing anything in those pics that looks like potassium deficiency. Looks like all calcium issues.

@OlyBoy98503 you are looking at the wrong photos my friend scroll to the top to see my plants


Yea that’s what I read and after the flush and a few waterings with 6.8 it seemed to have stopped the progression of it and the run off was 6.3 now. Fingers crossed though :crossed_fingers:t3:

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@Drinkslinger Thanks! That’s the kind of stuff I need to learn about. @CannaNewbie tag me in your grow so I can learn something!

@Slatter21 I think Drink is right. Additionally, Those wonky leaves won’t heal themselves, but the green parts of the leaves are still doing what hey are supposed to do. If your plant is doing better, keep those leaves on your plants until you’re ready to defoliate.

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Potassium Def. usually starts on the edges.

As my good friend @kaptain3d says, I’m set to learning :nerd_face:


I’ve learned a lot, from making many many mistakes.

Thank for the info

@Drinkslinger @OlyBoy98503 it’s still weird because the edges didn’t start off being affected

Take a look at that picture looks to be good on edges but those brown black dots with a tint of yellowing

But the other plants have a little brown yellow on the tips

@CannaNewbie your symptoms look very similar to those on my 4th plant Cristina, particularly looking at your “How it started and ended up” post from 1 day ago. In the “how it started” photo, my plant looked almost identical where the new growth was small, displayed interveinal chlorosis (where the veins stay green and inner leaf is yellower), and the lower leaves started developing brown spots/crispy burns/necrosis. While I think calcium deficiency may have something to do with it, i also think this may be a sign of Iron deficiency. What brand of CalMag were you adding? Because some have iron included. I am trying CaliMagic which has a little iron in it, so if yours doesn’t have iron maybe that’s something to look into?

I am just a beginner but I think that’s the same thing that’s wrong with my plant Cristina, and she showed these signs after she was severely overwatered. She’s never fully recovered tbh but I just tried giving her her first half dose of CalMag with iron this morning hoping that will help. Best of luck!