Homemade fertilizer

Any tips on a homemade fertilizer? I’m growing some White Widow and so far they’re doing great. But 2 of my plants I’ve noticed that the leave are starting to droop a lil. Any info is always greatly appreciated. Thank you


Let’s see some pics of the droop. Not all solutions are fertilizers. And a lil info on your soil and grow style.


If making home-made plant foods use pH and PPM testing to be in a good range. Keep pH reasonable and PPM low. And learn to read your plant’s reactions.
I’ve tried pretty much everything in the kitchen and garage that could be given to plants.
Get to know things like calcium nitrate (good) vs cal citrate(?) vs cal carbonate (bad). You don’t need chemistry but copy off retail ferts and what they use.


I just recently started this journal. I’ll be adding to it regularly. You can check out Korean Natural Farming techniques. If you have specific needs as far as NPK and stages of growing, you can tag @Budbrother. I’m a huge fan of his recommendation about using labs, micro nutrients, and aloe for a foliar… the plants loved it!


Not sure if these are the best pics for it

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Here are some better ones!

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The adjustable shelving was a nice score. Wood and steel, my kinda stuff. Happy growing to you

Thanks! My gf’s the manager at a Dollar General. So we get all kinds of shelving, coolers and goodies lol

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