Hi guys, she’s been suffering from pH deficiency but I got my pH metre now!
My question is this, shes starting week 6, should I let her finish or feed her for a little more yield?
@OGIncognito @MidwestGuy @Caligurl
@ChittyChittyBangin @plumbdand @Autos-only
Week 6 from seed or week 6 from the start of flowering? If from the start of flowering, then you have a few weeks to go.
You will have better yields in grows going forward by limiting trimming to that necessary to maintain good airflow within the plant’s canopy.
Maintain a runoff PPM of ~1,000 until a week or 2 before harvest.
Thanks a lot growmie! You’re too good
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Week 6 from first sign of hairs are you including preflower? Are you growing Indoors under lights? Are they autoflower or photoperiod? Mj usually flowers for 8-12 weeks not including preflowering witch can take a week or two. There are some faster flowering strains
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